Chapter Eight

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I gasped and immediately pushed myself off of the bed and onto the feet. My legs almost buckled, weak from what just happened. I braced myself for the screaming, and for Benton to kick me out of his house, but it never came.

I looked up and he was smiling a sinister smile. One I had never seen on his angelic face. He slowly got off of the bed, only in his boxers.

"Kally, it looks like you had fun, I've been waiting to see you like this since you moved in," He said, his voice deeper and huskier than usual. He got closer as he spoke. I needed to run from this weird wet dream, but I couldn't. I could only press myself into the wall as he approached. My heart went insane, for a second I even thought I was going into cardiac arrest.

Eventually, he was right up against me, and his face was right in front of mine. His face was flush and he had a wild look in his eyes. Oh god, I can feel myself getting hard. His hands slid down my sides, stopping by the waistband of my boxers. He leaned in so I could feel his breath on my ear.

"Do you need help with that?"

All I could do was let out a desperate whine and clutch his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. I really need to push him away, but I can't. He takes this as a sign and his hands dip below my waistband and he teases his way towards my dick.

Finally, his soft hands wrap around the base of my cock and he starts slowly pumping it, making me let out a louder moan. shut my eyes and throw my head back, allowing myself to get lost in the pleasure.

Almost like he knows, as I grow closer to my second orgasm, Benton speeds up. I thrust into his hand trying to find my release, and I do. Benton keeps pumping me, until every things out, and eventually, he slides his hand out.

I slide down the wall, dazed and hear him walking away from me. I am too tired to look up, so I just wait there, covered in my own cum on his bedroom floor. I hear him fumbling in the bathroom, and I start to realize what just happened.

I thought kissing Antonio was bad, because I felt guilty, but this was even worse. I felt guilt and fear, Antonio is going to fucking kill me. I shoot my eyes open and try to stand, only to almost tip over. I hold myself for a second, and let the dizziness rush off, before moving towards the bedroom door, still lacking pants and with a wet stain at the front of my underwear.

Something feels wrong as I exit the room. I feel way too dizzy and my legs are buckling. My head is starting to pound and my eyelids are drooping. I don't make it to the couch before I collapse on the floor.

I blearily glance to the door, and if I wasn't in such a state, I would scream. In the dark, a hulking figure is standing in front of it, holding a huge duffle bag. They start moving closer to me, and I instantly recognize the face. It's Antonio. My eyes are screaming to close, but I keep staring at Antonio. His face almost looks livid, his eyes glittering. As my eyes drift shut, all I can think is that I am not waking up.

I wake up with warmth surrounding me everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I can hear birds chirping, so I assume it's morning. When I open my eyes and am met with blinding light, my assumption is confirmed. I groan and try to roll over, but just end up bumping into the wall, making me groan again.

I cover my eyes and try to open them again. My eyes adjust enough to let me remove my hands and I immediately piss myself. Not literally, thank god, but almost. I am, yet again in Benton and Antonio's bed. Thankfully, Benton and Antonio aren't there.

I try to remember what happened last night to have me end up in their bed, but all I remember is leaving Tanner's and arriving at home. How the fuck am I here?

I suddenly notice a piece of paper folded up on the nightstand, with my name written in large letters. I hesitantly scoot to the other side of the bed, and pick up the paper.

Kally, if you are reading this, you woke up while we were gone. Me and Antonio went to drop some things off. Please stay in bed, you had a rough night last night ;).

Suddenly, I remember everything. Oh god, how am I not dead? Antonio was there, he saw me leaving the room after getting a fucking handjob from his husband, how am I alive?!

Wait, Antonio kissed me awhile ago, and now I got jacked off by Benton? This is getting kind of fishy. Maybe they are using me to make each other jealous? I guess I could just ask them when they get home, their bed is comfy.

Speak of the devils, and they shall appear. The second I get comfortable, I hear muffled voices and the door unlocking. Footsteps are rushing towards me and the door opens, with a hopeful looking Benton. His eyes search the room, and when they land on me, he smiles.

"Kally! You stayed!" He says in excitement, rushing over to me. I see Antonio take his place at the door, and he has a small smile on his face. He also has some red flecks on his face, what a dork.

Benton blocks my view of him and sits on the bed in front of me. He looks slightly more serious when he opens his mouth next.

"Do you remember last night?" he asks.

My face lights up like a traffic light and I nod while averting my eyes. Nice lamp that is there, on the table, existing. Hands cup my cheek and push my face gently back to look at Benton. He looks slightly worried.

"Did you like it," he says, making my eyes widen. I search his eyes, trying to find what he wants me to say. For once, his eyes are blank, so I nod my head in shame. Surprisingly, he smiles, and he instantly throws himself at me.

I swear I get whiplash from how fast I went down. I groan a little bit, but am shut up by warm lips descending on mine. My eyes widen, and I stare at Benton's closed ones. Eventually, my eyes shut as his tongue slides into my mouth.

"Benton, remember what we talked about," I heard Antonio speak up from the doorway, his voice deeper than usual.

Benton breaks the kiss with a pout, and I'm close to one too, he is a really good kisser. We both look towards Antonio, who's a little red in the face and sounds breathless. He just nods at Benton, and Benton looks back towards me, smiling.

"Yeah, okay, so me and Antonio want to date you, Kally. That's why he kissed you and why last night happened," he rushes out, staring at my lips, and not my eyes. I sputter, they want to date?! But they are married.

"Um, but you guys are married," I say with a shaky voice.

"So?" Benton replies, suddenly diving in and kissing up my neck, like he couldn't be bothered with the conversation. I moan a little as he sucks on the skin of my neck rather hard, and I bury my face into his hair. Does this guy's sex drive go on forever? I hear Antonio sigh and the bed dip down. I can't look at him, but I do hear him. "What Benton is trying to say is, we would like to date you. Yes, we are married, but both of us like you too".

I nod, despite still not understanding, as long as this keeps happening, I'm fine. Eventually, however, Antonio pulls Benton off of me. Benton pouts but he accepts it. Antonio, Benton, and I end up on the couch, this time, all cuddled next to each other, all of my panicking left for tomorrow, as I just shut up and let myself be happy.

Um so if you want to follow me on instagram, I really like talking to you guys and would love to actually have conversations, my Insta is @ strawberryment_o ! Feel free to message me anytime! Also, I realize that it is still really early for this to happen, but keep in mind that this story is still just starting ;) Also I still can't write porn, kill me.

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