Chapter Two

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After that incident, I spend the rest of my shift trying to regain my sense. There was something off about that man and I couldn't place it. Oh well, maybe it was just because he was hot?

"Kalem, it's Friday, are we having a movie night or not?" Tanner asks for at least the fifth time. I wonder how anyone puts up with my zoning out. Maybe I should take everyone's advice and stop thinking so much.

"Kalem, answer the question or I will actually quit and make you suffer here alone," Tanner threatens.

"No please Tanner, you know I love you, you can't quit! Yeah, we are having movie night like always!" I all but screech back at him. I wonder how he can still hear anything.

"Well then let's go because I am hungry! Plus I have a movie in mind..." He drones on but I mostly don't pay attention. He always has a movie in mind and usually I just go along with it. I usually just eat the food anyways.

He continues talking as we walk over to the Walgreens by our work and pick up our snacks. Somehow, as we go through the doors to my apartment building, he is still talking. I love him but he could talk to a wall and get it to talk back, just so it could tell him to shut up.

Finally, we make it to my apartment, number 43 on the fourth floor, and he stops talking and stares at me.

I stare back at him.

He blinks and looks towards my door.

I follow his eyes and we end up back to staring at each other.

"Are you going to open the door or not dumbass?" Oh. Right.

I sigh dramatically as he goes on about me needing to pay attention more, and unlock my door. I am greeted by the same mess I always am. I really should actually try to clean once in awhile.

Tanner doesn't mind the pigsty and runs to my room, most likely to pick the movie without me interfering, leaving the snacks on my kitchen counter. As I'm going to grab the bag, I hear two voices.

It's not uncommon for me to hear people from the other apartments, the walls here are really thin. However, the voices are coming from Benton's side. Maybe he actually does have a girlfriend?

Oh well, you win some, you lose some. I grab the snacks and head to my bedroom, where Tanner is already spread out on my bed in front of my TV.

"What took you so long, you missed half of the previews?" He asked.

"I got here, like, a minute after you dude. You just take over my room too quickly. What movie did you pick?"

"I do not! But I picked IT, it's about a killer clown!"

I sigh. We have watched this about 5 times already but either he keeps forgetting or really likes it.

I just go along with it and lay down next to him, putting the snacks between us and digging in.

Almost immediately, Tanner screams.

"Dude! What the fuck? Nothing even happened!" I yell at him.

"It's a scary movie! Just the thought is scary!" He yells back.

We scream at each other for another 3 minutes before I hear a knock on my door.

Tanner and I both look at each other in shock. No one every knocks at my door. Literally no one. We jump when another knock sounds, slightly louder.

I decide to answer that one and get out of bed, pausing the movie and walking through my apartment and to my door. I don't have a peephole, so I just listen for a minute and hear nothing.

I slowly open my door and hear Tanner stop following me. I almost scream at who it is.

The guy from work. He is at my house and is going to kill me. I'm going to die. I've never even tried Guacamole before.

"Keep your voice down. My husband is trying to sleep and you guys are bothering him," the man spoke, with the same husky voice that he had at the library.

Wait! He's gay?!

"Antonio it's fine, come back to bed. I miss you," a familiar voice whines. Benton, the owner of that voice, pops up behind this Antonio man.

Wow. So Benton is gay and married. To this guy. Now I know why he never flirted back. I guess that makes sense.

"Sorry Benton, we'll quiet down," I say, avoiding the eyes of Antonio. He smiles at me and reaches past Antonio to ruffle my hair, making me warm inside. He may be taken, but I can still enjoy it.

"Thank you, Kal, I appreciate it," he says with his gentle voice. I wish he wasn't married, he is amazing.

I finally look away from him, only to meet eyes with Antonio. He has a questioning look on his face but still looks scary. My face heats up.

"Uh, sorry sir, for disturbing you guys," I say, very uneasily. His face doesn't change but he glances at Benton who just shrugs.

"It's fine. Don't do it again," with that he smiles but it seems more like a grimace. "It seems you are a friend of Benton's. I am glad to meet you, even under these circumstances. I expect you for dinner tomorrow night so I can ensure that you are acceptable."

My face turns shocked. He doesn't even know me. I don't know him and he just ordered me to have dinner with him. Benton looks surprised too but just shoots me a shy smile and grabs Antonio's hand.

"Antonio, they were obviously in the middle of something, let's let them get back to it. I guess we will see you tomorrow Kal," with that very confusing interaction, they disappear into their apartment.

I have absolutely no idea what just happened. He doesn't even know me. He is terrifying. I have nothing to do with him or Benton, me and Benton aren't even friends!

Me and Tanner stand there for at least 2 minutes just staring at each other. Then he opens his mouth. Just to close it again.

"What the fuck? You're friends with Benton?" He finally asks.

"No! I'm not! We talk only when we see each other outside of our apartments!" I yell back at him, equally as confused. Why did Benton go along with it? Did he think we are friends? Are we friends? I just saw him as my neighbor.

"So then, are you going tomorrow?" He asks the question I'm thinking.

Am I going tomorrow?

"No, I am not."

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