Chapter Eleven

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34 Missed Calls | Ben Ten

I stared at my phone screen that displayed those words. He sent a lot of texts asking where I was and who I was with before he started calling. Not one of those voicemails or texts he left had an apology in it. I don't understand? He's acting insane.

My phone rings again and I angrily sigh before answering it.

"What do you want?" I ask angrily

"Where are you?" I'm surprised when it's Antonio's voice instead of Benton's. So he can send all those texts but is too much of a pussy to talk to me? God why did I even like him in the first place.

"That isn't any of your concern," Now that I think about it, I don't even know why I'm dating them. I mean yeah, they're attractive, but benton just went into a psycho rage for no reason? I didn't even expect that. I don't even know these two.

The phone goes silent for a second then, "If you don't tell me where you are, I'll find you."

I angrily hang up the phone. He has no right! Does he even know what benton did? Does he care? I turn my phone off just as he calls back and throw it in my bag. I sigh in frustration before looking up just to see a short woman staring at me in front of my table. I raise my eyebrows at her, still pissed off, and her face goes red.

"Um sorry, it's just that we closed 10 minutes ago but I didn't want to interrupt your call, but my manager says you have to leave."

I suddenly remember I'm at the café near my apartment, and it is 10 after 11pm. I quickly apologize and rush out, making sure to grab everything. I stare in the direction of my apartment. It's likely they will be waiting and they'll find a way to sweet talk me into forgetting about this. I turn on my heel, heading straight for the nearest bar.

I don't need them, I don't even know them. I shouldn't even be worried about them right now, my two only friends both just left suddenly. I'm drinking tonight.

I walk in to the dimly lit bar and sit at the bar stool, ordering whatever the special was, not even looking at the menu. I didn't care. I took my phone out and called them one last time. I may be an idiot, but I'm not a cheater, and I will be if I don't do this.

The phone is instantly picked up. I hear whispering on the other side that I can't make out but I ignore it.

"Listen, I'm just assuming you both are there. I don't want to speak. Just listen. I had a crush on you, Benton, for a very long time. It's my fault for getting blinded by that-" Someone next to me slams their cup down asking for the bartender to be faster. I wait until he quiets down.

"Anyways, today showed me that I don't even know the both of you, and I'm sorry for leading you on, but the way you guys have been acting is bordering on psycho, not even in a hot way. So I just wanted to say that we are over. I'll get my stuff out of your guys' apartment, and we can go back to being somewhat friends or whatever we were before this," I finish. I think about giving them a chance to respond, but I don't want them to convince me it was just a bad day or something. They don't seem safe to be around, especially with what Tanner said. So I hang up the phone without letting them speak.

I am about to put my head down when I am interrupted with, "Rough day?"

I turn to see a tall lithe guy sitting on the stool next to me. He has the prettiest blonde hair and hazel eyes. He's beautiful, and has a wonderful smile. I give him a tight smile and nod, and he takes that as an invitation to scoot closer and hold out his hand.

"My name is Brandon, what about you?" I stare at his hand before slowly taking it and shaking it.

"My name is Kalem, it's nice to meet you," I say, letting a smile peak out.

We have a few drinks together before we're both totally wasted and slumped over at the bar. We're laying with both our heads laying on the bar, staring each other in the eyes.

"I couldn't help hearing earlier that you broke up with your boyfriend?" He says, a dopey smile on his flushed face. I smile back as he slowly intertwines our hands. "I wouldn't mind you using me to get over him?"

I giggle, my mind a little hazy. I don't even think before I reply. "Only if you used me just as much." Suddenly I'm being pulled through the crowd of people, both of us stumbling and giggling as we finally make it outside. Brandon gently pushes me against the wall and starts kissing up my neck. It doesn't feel right like it did with them, but I grip his hair and pull him closer.

"You know, my apartment is right nearby here, I'm sure we could make better use of our time there," I say, my words breathy and slurred. This all felt wrong, and I know why, but this is the only way.

I lead Brandon up to my apartment, being loud on purpose when I pass a certain door. The silence is almost deafening. I pause and push him against my door roughly, shoving my lips against him, sloppy and loud. He lets out a loud moan before I finally get my key out and open the door. Brandon stumbled in before me, and I pause before following him.

My eyes scan the door next to mine. Just as I expected, there's two pairs of eyes staring back at me, both lit on fire. My resolve almost crumbles, when I see the eyes of the men I only was with for a few weeks. Why did they have such an effect on me?

Maybe it was the liquid courage but I step closer to them, switching between looking at the both of them, who are deadly silent. Their arms reach out to grab me but I'm quick to step out of reach.

"I love you guys," I say, then contradict myself by following Brandon into my apartment. I close the door and stand beside it, not locking it, wondering if the handle will turn. It never does, so I follow the moans of Brandon, who has started without me. I take another few shots and let them consume me before I once again tell the two that can't take no for an answer, that its over.

All night I tell myself that this is the only way, but when I moan two completely different names, I can't help but imagine its actually them, and all my thoughts slip away as I let myself live in the moment.

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