Take A Little Ride

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Here we go again! I'm not doing a long, in my opinion, author's note. So comment, vote, add to your list, whatever. :D Oh! I must justify my reasoning for the song! I simply liked the song and I heard it on the radio that was playing in the background... xD Over there is Karoline Von Drachenberg, aka: Karoline Mayfield.

Edited: 6/20/2014


I missed Jimmy again. I seemed to be saying that a lot lately. Not something I was proud of, or happy about. It had been exactly five days since I last physically saw him. I wasn't without communication though. He would send me little head messages. Cluing me in on some of the things he had discovered about my 'maybe' killer. One of them at least. I was getting a sneaking suspicion that this was one of our guys though.

In the mean time I spent my time with Val and Michelle. Sometimes not where they could physically see me. Appearing day in and day out was draining. I wasn't used to it. Which is understandable considering I hadn't been dead for that long. Or maybe I had. Days were blurring together. I would count on Jimmy to let me know how much time I had until I was sent to Hell if we didn't figure this out.

Right now though, I was with Brian who was currently sleeping. I was running my fingers through the silky strands of his hair. He wouldn't wake. He had gone out with Zacky and Arin. Gotten drunk. Arin was kind of the partying replacement of me.

In a way I half expected Zacky to call up my sister, Karoline, or maybe my brother, Michael, to come party with them. They were on tour in my hometown right now. So I wouldn't put it past him. Zacky always did have a thing for my sister. We had joked about becoming brother and sister through her. Now that I thought of Karoline it made me homesick. I missed her and my brother terribly. Even if we did fight a lot.

She was the craziest one out of the bunch of us. Michael was the calm one. I was the hot head. Mom and Dad always said we were a hand full and shipped us off to our cousins any chance they got. Not that we minded. Jason and Matt had been my best friends for as long as I could remember. Karoline and I had always joked that one of these days the world would be taken over by twins. Our ruler's would be the Berrys'. Not that they complained. Karoline would force Jason into a King's outfit and Matt into a Princess one saying he would be 'Queen Mattina'. Needless to say that didn't make him a happy camper.

Below me Brian stirred. I tensed for a second, half expecting him to open his eyes. He just shifted more into my lap. His mouth parted, drool escaping out slightly. He always was a ridiculously cute sleeper. He was my bear. A snore escaped his mouth, I think it startled him because he jerked and his eyes opened for a second before closing again. I giggled. Like I said, adorable.

"What are you doing creepin' on Brian?" I jerked slightly which made Brian shift again. I looked over to where I heard the melodic, soothing voice in which I'd only heard in my head until now. Jimmy stood off to the side with his eyebrows raised, arms crossed over his chest, and a Cheshire grin on his face.

"I'm not creepin' on Brian, Jimmy. I'm simply observing him. There's a difference." I told him in a 'duh' voice. He chuckled, raising an eyebrow.

"It's called haunting him. Though not really haunting considering you don't plan on harming him." He paused a second, "You don't plan on hurting him do you?"

"Of course not James!" I spoke calmly.

"That's good. Should we go somewhere we don't risk waking up Sir Snores A Lot over there?" I knew immediately we would need to. I was anxious to find out whether or not our guy was a valid lead. I nodded.

I shifted so Brian was laying on his pillow again. He whimpered softly. Clutching the spot I had previously sat at like it was a life line. He curled up into a tiny ball.

"Kat." Brian's broken whimper filled the room. I felt my heart tug. I wanted to cry. I moved forward and stood beside his bunk. I placed my lips on his head.

"I love you baby." I whispered. His whimpers ceased. He relaxed. I looked at Jimmy, he had an unreadable expression on his face. I looked back towards Brian only to realize we were once again in the basement of Brian's house.

"Did you know Val's pregnant. I overheard her talking to Matt. He want's to name the baby Maria Katherine if it's a girl. If it's a boy, Owen James." I stared at Jimmy with wide eyes. He nodded. Tears filled my eyes.

"That's got to be the cutest and most sweetest thing anyone has ever done. Though I feel like... I don't know." I admitted.

"Me too. It's an odd feeling knowing your best friend wants to name his kid after you."

"Still sweet."

"Still sweet." He agreed. "Just awkward." I nodded.

"Highly awkward. Considering we're kind of still here. Though only Val and Michelle know."

"Not for long." I looked at Jimmy questioningly. "You promised to tell the guys. At least Brian." My mouth formed an 'o'.

I had forgotten about that. To tell you the truth... I don't think I could tell the guys. Telling them and then disappearing when we find the guys, if we find them, and then moving on to the Afterlife, or Hell. That would break them. That would break me knowing that I did it. If it gets to the point where it is necessary to inform them of the ghost that's been stalking them since the second it died, then so be it. I'll do it. I'll tell them. For now... I'll come up with as many excuses that I can. Tell Val that it would hurt me if too many people knew at once. Or damage a time warp. Which is technically the truth. I'll come up with something.

"What are you thinking?" Jimmy moved forward and pressed his lips to the corner of my mouth. I smiled softly up at him.

"I'm thinking that I really don't want to tell them." I kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Why not?" He whispered against my lips.

"I think you know why." I deepened the kiss so he could no longer speak. I didn't want to talk. I think we needed to though.

"Don't start something when we can't finish it Kat." Jimmy warned as he pulled away. "We have important things to discuss."

"You're right. So let's talk. What did you find out?" I urged him by poking him in the stomach. He grinned down at me.

"I'm 99% sure that he's one of our guys. He pretty much gave it away." I whooped. 

"How did he do that?"

"By calling his brother, who was in the raid with him, and crying saying he wanted to turn himself in." I felt my eyes widen. "His name is Ian McFaulton. I went ahead and tipped the cops off. There is now an investigation pending against him, with an undercover cop following him around to catch the other guys."

"This could be it Jimbo. I could move on. You can come with me. We can be together!" I was so ecstatic. I jumped on him pressing my lips to his once again. "I love you." I froze as soon as those words left my lips. Jimmy stared at me through glassy eyes.

I said I loved him, but did I mean it?

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