Save Me

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I didn't really have the time to write, but considering I have so many lovely viewers that comment. I think they deserved a prize. Don't you think? Yes. Good. Thank you lovely people who comment!

Edited: 6/20/2014

After I initially had gotten over the 'Brian and Michelle' fiasco, as I had been calling it, I spent my time trying to find Jimmy. It's been about a week since I had last saw him. I was beginning to worry. Would he come back? I missed being able to talk to someone. I had been trying to make myself appear to Brian and Zacky when they were hanging out. It would put me in this weird unresponsive state where I couldn't move at all. It was terrifying.

Whenever this happened one word would always enter my mind. Limbo.

After the first two times I had decided to just wait for Jimmy to show up. If he did show up that is.

"Hey Zacky?" Brian called from the kitchen.

"Yeah." Zacky replied from where he was seated on the sofa two feet from me.

"What would you say if I told you I was going to hang with Michelle?" I froze. What?

"I would say what the actual fuck? Then ask why." Zacky said now glaring at a spot on the wall.

"It's just as friends. We're going to see The Dark Knight Rises. I swear to you I don't have feelings for her though. Strictly friends. First thing I told her when she showed up a week ago."

"I didn't ask you if you had feeling for her Syn." I chuckled. Zacky had turned to calling him Syn. That was a signal that he was pissed.

"Look dude, It's just hanging out. The whole reason I brought it up is because she's bringing a friend with her. That friend just so happens to be Gena." Zacky turned now to stare at Brian who was leaning on the door frame.

"Gena?" Zacky mumbled.

It was no secret that Zack missed her. I had even went to see her to figure out if she missed him. She did. She just didn't want to call Zacky back up and beg for forgiveness. That would make her look weak.

Honestly, I think she should apologize. Zack was going through a hard time and the last thing he needed was for her to break up with him.  Zack was my brother for all intents and purposes. My actual living brother didn't even show up at my funeral. I had never been a big fan of Gena. She made him happy though. He missed her and that bitch better fix things. Or I'd find a way to fix it for him.

My next biggest concern was Michelle. I had no right to expect Brian to not move on and find a wonderful girl to spend the rest of his life with. It's just that 2 months ago I was going to be that girl. Me! Not anybody else. If that girl was going to be Michelle, well it doesn't mean that I had to be happy about it.

Sure, Michelle and I had gotten along fine. It's just that I knew for a fact that she like, no loved, Brian still when I was with him. She made that painfully obvious when I was, or anybody else for that matter, around. Brian never showed any emotion towards that little tidbit of information, so it was never a problem. I guess now it was going to be a problem.

Look at me being all possessive. I'm dead for fucks sake!

I'd missed the last bit of the conversation, but whatever was said seemed to please Brian.

"It doesn't mean that I fucking agree with you being around Michelle, Syn. It hasn't been that long since Kat..." Brian quickly cut him off.

"I don't have any fucking feelings towards Michelle. In that way at least. I feel like I owe her something because she's been helping me, asshole. She can help in ways that you and the guys can't." My stomach rolled.

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