Love The Way You Lie

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So after this chapter there will only be two more chapters. I have also come to a decision, which was very hard to make. I will not be writing a sequel and I will not finish writing Out With A Bang. Please keep in mind that I'm a year and a half from graduating. I have classes and Senior Project to deal with. If I do happen to change my mind on Out With A Bang. I will let you know. As for the sequel... My decision will stand. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Oh the song, I don't know when I'll put that up, isn't the Rihanna version. It's that Nickelodeon chick's version. Ariana? I don't know.

Jimmy and I had been working our asses off for the past month. During which time Jimmy had distanced himself. The day was approaching quick. If I didn't find my killer, I was sentenced to fall. I had met up with Rebekah and Axel with things Jimmy couldn't help with. Of course they couldn't divulge much information so it was a walking disaster.

I had crossed out many of the top people on my list. Most didn’t fit the initials… Axel then saw it as a chance to tell me that it could be a nickname. Most of the names I had crossed out were back on the list. I was going through a mental checklist with names.

Matt- He may have loved me, but would he kill me? No. I don’t think so. He’s too much of a softy. Scratch.

Brian- He was my fiancé… Why would he want to? Scratch.

Zacky- He was my best friend. He was bitter at the beginning so he seemed less likely. I don’t think Zacky would have the guts to do it either. He may play a big game, but he’s not capable of organizing a murder. Scratch.

Johnny- I would hope that Short Shit wouldn’t commit the crime. I’d been watching him closely. If what he’d said at my funeral was true… why would he kill the person that helped him? Scratch.

Arin- He wasn’t capable of committing that crime. He’d never even stolen anything before. Much less kill. Scratch.

Val- She was at the top of my list at first. I hadn’t wanted to think of her as being my possible Assassin Planner? Not quite sure what they are called. With what I learned of Matt, it was possible. Check.

Michelle- Wanting Brian for herself. Would she do that? She wasn’t that selfish. I had no known evidence proving she did it, nor evidence proving she hadn’t done it. Check.

Jason and Matt- My dear cousins whom I loved so dearly. Would they do this? I don’t want to think they would. When I’d spoken with them for the first time 2 weeks back, they had been on board for helping me. Scratch.

Karoline- My sister. She’d been to my funeral. She had cried, but she showed no sign of mourning. If my brother was capable of killing me… would she be capable of planning the hit. Check.

I had three suspect’s total. Three of which were my friends, and sister. Two’s steps behind were I needed to be.

I was losing Jimmy and I didn’t know why. Had I done something wrong or was this protocol?


I stood at the park which the guys and I had gone to so many times before. The old spot lie just beyond the tree line. Children ran around screaming at the top of their lungs. Couples walked past holding hands and kissing. They had nothing to worry about.

With the day hanging over Kat’s and my head, I slowly separated from her. I hadn’t wanted to… but with the choices that lie ahead if we found her hit man, Kat would have to make a difficult choice.

Rebekah had come to me a month ago with the choices the Big Man was giving her. I had no doubt which one she would choose. If I were in her place I would choose it. I couldn’t blame her. I knew I was hurting her by distancing myself. I was protecting myself though.

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