In The End

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I had hoped to have this out days ago. I pulled it up the other day and started typing... and crying. It didn't feel right to be writing on THAT day. So I turned the computer off, went to my room, turned on my stereo, and listened to Fiction and So Far Away all day. Suffered my Mom telling me to get over it. Thus proving to make me only cry MORE! How am I supposed to get over THAT. So that's why I say this now.

Jimmy Sullivan was so much more than a drummer for some band. He was, no, is so much more than just another Rockstar. He's a Saviour. He's an Idol. That band has helped so many people. With every song and beat the Rev played... I'll carry on that memory and cherish it. I'll be damned if I ever tell my kids he was just some drummer for a fucking band. RIP James Owen Sullivan. ALWAYS in my heart, memories, and thoughts.

Edited: 6/21/2014

I sighed as I walked through main street of the small town the guys had stopped in. I grew up in this place. They wouldn't recognize me so I allowed myself to be seen by those around me. I hadn't lived here in a long time. Those who would know me, they wouldn't realize it was me. I was now covered in tattoos from my head to my toes.

Jimmy walked beside me, but I doubt he allowed people to see him. He has fans everywhere. Even in the middle of Bumfuck, Egypt.

I glanced over at Jimmy and noticed him watching all the men removing the lights that had been up for Christmas. I glanced away. It was two days after that day right now. The guys hadn't mourned like usual. Probably because they had Jimmy back. For the most part at least. I watched the cars move past us. The court house that had been up since the 1800's, which was originally an Antebellum home, still looked as pretty as I remembered.

Everything about this place was pretty. Even the bad parts of town. Not all places were like this.

"What are you thinking about?" I smiled as I passed through the wall in front of me into the old museum.


"Huntington?" He questioned. An adorable looked appeared on his face. He was confused.

"No. My home here." Jimmy 'oh'ed. I nodded.

"Why don't you go visit it?" I felt tears appear in my eyes.

"My brother is there."

"Michal?" I nodded. 

It fell silent. I reached over and grabbed Jimmy's hand. He looked over at me and smiled. I leaned over and pressed my lips to his. He responded immediately. This kiss wasn't like the rest. There was more passion behind it. More love. I was apologizing for what had happened basically. His hands slipped up my arm before threading his fingers in my hair. I smiled through the kiss. I reached and wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled away for unnecessary breath

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you more." He smiled down at me. I loved his smile.

"Not possible." I disagreed.

"I think it is because I do." I hummed. A thought began forming in my head. "Oh! I love the way you think Kat." Jimmy spoke having read my mind.

"I figured you might." I reattached my lips to his and this one was the same as the last only more heat.

It was getting really good. Like really good, but a really fucking annoying buzzing appeared in my head. I ignored it for a few seconds. It started off soft before it got loud.

"Fuck! What the hell is that!" I said and gripped my head.

"That... would be someone calling for us." He reached out and grabbed my hand. When the buzzing stopped I opened my eyes. I gasped.

"Where are we?"

"The Gates of Heaven." Was Jimmy simple answer.

The space around me was beautiful. It was pure. Perfect. The light that touched my skin sent sparkling patterns everywhere from the bracelet that I wore. The grass was the greenest I'd ever seen. Like brighter than you would find in a meadow. It had wild flowers growing of all colors. The most dominate was purple and yellow.

A small pond with water being the clearest I'd ever seen had small fish of all sorts swimming around. I looked over at Jimmy with the biggest smile covering my face. He was beautiful. Big fluffy wings sprouted from his back. His wings were a mixture of white and grey.  The clothing he had worn minutes before were replaced with a white suit. He was barefoot as well. I glanced down at myself and noticed my clothing had been replaced with a floor length white dress. I was bare foot like Jimmy.

"Welcome Katherine, James." I turned upon hearing my name.

A woman stood with the same dress as I only it had lace attached to the sleeves. She was the epitome of gorgeous. Her hair was a soft shade of red. Her eyes a warm hazel green and 1000 Watt smile. I couldn't help but be slightly jealous. This woman's wings were solid white unlike Jimmy's.

"Hello Rebekah." Jimmy greeted with a smile. The woman returned the smile.

"Come. The counsel is waiting."

"Counsel?" I was beginning to become worried. Noticing the look on my face the woman, Rebekah, stepped forward and grabbed my hand.

"Do not be worried Katherine. You have done nothing wrong. You are here to get your wings." I raised an eyebrow. "All of the dead are required to get them." She said and motioned me forward.

"We also have different wing colors according to where we are sent." Jimmy informed me. I nodded.

"If you join us in Heaven. Your wings will be white. If you join Lucifer in Hell, they will be black and they will be clipped. In between, they will be like James." Rebekah informed me. A shadow had past across her face when she mentioned Hell. This whole place had a shadow cast upon it once she'd mentioned it.

We entered a court yard with a cobble stone path that led to a group meeting of Angels with white wings, grey wings, and a few black ones. Those with the black wore all black to. How convenient. We were in some sort of forest. It reminded me a bit of the forest path in Red Riding Hood. There was not a Big Bad Wolf here though.

"Thank you for bringing them Rebekah." She nodded towards said man and gestured me forward.

I smiled tentatively at the man that stood before me. He was Matt's size with a buzz cut and a huge scar running down the side of his face.

"Katherine Maria Mayfield." I stared at the man. "You are here to receive your wings and a choice, as well as a hint." I sucked in a breath. "This choice cannot be made until your task has been completed. The hint will lead you to the one who pulled the trigger and who ordered them to." I nodded.

"Will it hurt?" I questioned. The man smiled down at me.

"No, it will not." He paused and motioned someone forward. Rebekah now stood beside him. "Will you please turn." I did as he told me to albeit nervously. He reached forward and traced a finger half way down my spine before Rebekah did as well. He said something in a language I couldn't understand. I felt a tingling sensation in my back before a 'poof' sounded and my wings unfurled themselves from my back. I smiled and reached out to touch them. They were soft to the touch.

"That's it?"

"That's it." The man repeated. "My name is Axel." He said.

"An angel named Axel." He chuckled.

"Your choice will not be given to you until the moment you return here." Rebekah told me. "Your hint is... Don't exclude those who are close to you. For the Gunman and the Leader are closer than what you think."

"What does that mean." Rebekah simply smiled.

"If you ever need anything Katherine." Axel began, "Rebekah and I are the ones to call. James of course will help you figure it out. Though you already knew that."

"Act soon young Katherine. I fear your time is running out."

That was the last thing I heard before I was struck down to Earth with Jimmy falling beside me.

Nightmare ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें