Seize The Day

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So this is the last one for me going through the guys. It's after this one that shit starts to get real. I'll have you know that I started to write this chapter before I even thought about writing the others. So comment and vote please. If you don't you'll make Zacky and Brian sad... :) no pressure!

Edited: 6/19/2014

I generally avoided being in the room with him. Simply because it broke my still heart to see him like this. To see the man you love in so much emotional and mental pain was heartbreaking. He reminded me of a zombie. He didn't blink, he didn't move, he didn't do anything. A though hit me and if I were breathing, it would have ceased.. What if he was dead? I moved closer and saw his chest moving and relaxed.

He was staring at something. I followed his line of sight and saw that he was looking out the window. I walked over to it and surveyed the surrounding area. I could see Matt and Val standing out there.

I sighed and touched the glass. It had been almost two weeks since I had been buried. Everyone was gradually getting better. Matt smiled more now, Zacky wasn't drinking as much, and Johnny had started playing his bass again. I smiled as I thought of something Zacky and Jimmy would always say, "You can't spell bass without ass." That always got people smiling. I chuckled at my memories, they're all I had left.

I walked over to the bed and lay down on it, shifting so I could look at Brian. I wonder if he felt the bed move or did it even move at all? I wish I could reach out and trace his tattoo. Forever. I had loved that tattoo from the minute he sent me a picture on my phone.

"Brian, baby you need to get up. You shouldn't be like this. You need to move on." I whispered to him. Staring into his eyes. "This isn't healthy. Val needs to move you out of this house. Whether Matt drags you out kicking and screaming." I had myself in the position where it looked like we were staring into each others eyes. He just saw through me though. It made me sad. I wanted to hold him. I wanted to kiss every inch of him until he was happy again.

I couldn't.

I was startled out of my thoughts as Brian suddenly got out of the bed. I figured he was going to the restroom. He shocked me by going over to the window and opening it. It let a cool breeze into the room.

Since all he did was mainly sit around, Brian had grown a beard. By god he needed to shave it. A beard was not a good look for him. His hair was greasy as well. His eyes, which had once been full of life and love, looked dull and lifeless. They didn't have the sparkle of mischief in them that they held the day I met him. The day I fell in love with him.

Matt and Val had looked up when they heard the window open.

"Brian? Are you going to come outside today?" Val's voice floated into the room. Brian stared at her for a few seconds. He shook his head. "Are you sure? Johnny, Zacky, and Arin are gonna be here soon. You should join us."

Brian stared at her for about a minute before he shocked us all by opening his mouth and speaking.

"I don't want to go outside Val." His voice was raspy. It crackled and he winced once he spoke. I watched as a breathtaking smile spread across Val's face.

"Then we will stay inside. How does that sound?" I could tell Val was ecstatic that Brian spoke. It had been a while since we all had heard it. Brian nodded his head. "Why don't you go shower and shave that beard? It's not a good look for you." I giggled. Val and I were on the same page. Brian turned and went into the bathroom.

I, of course, followed him in there. It wasn't like I hadn't seen him naked before. I smiled as he removed his clothes only for it to turn into a shriek of outrage as I noticed how thin he had gotten.

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