"It's okay." Ruby smiled at her.

"Neo. Do you know what happened?" Roman, the infamous thief of the Vale asked his partner in crime, after they woke up.

"Torchwick." Ironwood roared at him, "Are you the reason why we're here?"

Neo got herself in the defensive position, in front of Roman, who started explaining to Ironwood, "Look, Irondick, I may be a criminal mastermind, but I would never came up with something like this."

"Roman?" A voice that was very familiar to Roman, Neo and Yang said.

"Neo?" The two similiar voice said in unison.

"Junior? Melanie? Miltia? You guys are here too?" Roman asked as the three of them nodded their heads at him.

Cinder, Mercury and Emerald were the next ones to wake up, but unlike most of the people here, they decided to stay silent and see what happens.

"B-Blake." A stuttering female voice said, which made Blake turn in the direction of it, to see Illia Amitola.

"Illia. You're here t..." Blake didn't even finished what she was saying when she saw the person she didn't want to see again.

"Blake, my darling..." Adam said, smirking at her.

"Calm down, Taurus. We have more things to worry about now." Sienna Khan, the current leader of White Fang told him.

"Ozpin. I wish I was happy to see you." Ozpin, Goodwitch, Ironwood and Qrow's froze in the place when they heard this voice. They slowly, very slowly turned to the source of the voice, hoping that this person wasn't who they thought it was, but their hopes were quickly crushed when they saw Salem, the queen of Grimm herself.

Arthur Watts, Tyrian Callows and Hazel were standing by her side. Tyrian was giggling madly, Watts remained as stoic as ever, and Hazel was just glaring at Ozpin, ready to attack him at any moment.

"Okay. Now, that all of you are interacting with each other. I guess it's time to reveal myself, before you start killing yourself." An unknown male voice suddenly echoed through the room.

"Who said that?" Yang said what everyone were thinking at this moment.

"Come out and show yourself." Salem ordered.

"I was about to do it..." The unknown voice said back before a skinny man appeared on the stage. He wore a black shirt which had "Avengers" written on it, black pants and blue boots. They couldn't see his face because it was covered by a mask. The thing that interested most of them was a strange golden gauntlet which was on his right arm.

"Who are you?" Cinder demanded to know.

"Just call me B." The now so called "B" introduced himself with a small bow, not even trying to hide his excitement in his voice.

"How did you bring all of us here?" Qrow wanted to know.

"It's simple. I used this. It took me nearly three hours, but I think it was worth it." B replied, showing his gauntlet off to them.

"What is this "Avengers" thing you have on your shirt? Is it a super hero comic book, or a movie? Because it sounds like one." Jaune asked as some of the people there looked at him in disablief. Was it really the think that was bugging him the most about this human who was most likely responsible for putting them in this theater?

"It is. It's a really good series." B's answer was short and quick.

"What are we doing here?" Now it was Port who said something.

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