Chapter 18: Stone Road

Start from the beginning

Yes, Ana made a bathroom with the help of Lalaine. Her reason is that the river is a bit far for her to walk there everyday, but gathering water from it would not be too tiresome. Lalaine told her that Ana only made it harder for herself, which the girl pretended to not hear.

Chrome starts his yelling with clenched fists, "Tell me, Senkuu, Ana! Tell me how to make the cure-all medicine! I'll totally defeat Ruri's illness!!"

Kohaku raised her clenched fist too, looking determinedly at the two nerds, "If it's to cure my sister, I'll cooperate however I can!"

Senkuu and Ana though, they're standing besides each other with their arms crossed, Lalaine behind them and William Snakespeare resting on Ana's right shoulder. All three of them wearing the same smirk on their faces. Ana smirked evilly at her thought with her curing Ruri with Senkuu and Lalaine, 'If--- When we made the sulfa-drug and cure Ruri, the village will probably worship Science and effectively joining our sides if we tell them about Tsukasa. What else is better than curing the second most important person in the village and getting them to our side? Oh yeah, it's all coming together.'

"LONG LIVE SCIENCE!" "I want to join the kingdom of Science too!" - are what the two nerds thinking, with Lalaine behind them T-posing to assert dominance over the village.

Chrome and Kohaku stared at the three with suspicious gazes. Chrome spoke first and referring to Senkuu and Ana, "I saw that! Those bastards totally did some calculation in their minds before deciding to help Ruri."

Kohaku stared at them blankly with her arms crossed, "Is he a gentleman or an asshole? Is Ana a kind-hearted girl or an evil snake lady? They are really both complex person. Well, basically, it comes down to being logical, but..." She trailed off after that, actually not knowing what to say next.

Ana suddenly threw a new pair of clothes to Lalaine, in which the girl caught with a little difficulty since her eyesight is a fuzzy. Lalaine looked at Ana in confusion, silently asking the girl. Ana only smiled at her, " You go take some bath and relax, I don't want you to go do some work FOR NOW because you'll probably just hurt yourself if that happens."

Lalaine was about to thank her but Ana's smile suddenly turned into a maddening smirk as she moved closer so they are now face to face, with her having a crazy look in her eyes(Almost the same as a certain mentallis---), "Ara ara~ Don't go thanking me yet. Because after we made you some glasses, I'll work and train you down to the bone that you'd wish you weren't revived by me in the past."

"WHAT THE FUCK---" Lalaine backed away as far as she can from Ana, whose face is back to normal again in a matter of second. She immediately got inside the bathroom and closed the makeshift door.

Senkuu started drawing on the ground with a stick, oblivious of Lalaine and Ana's interaction. Kohaku and Chrome aren't though, as they both sweat dropped at her. Ana is laughing in her head crazily. Senkuu started their presentation, "In order to create the Kingdom fo Science, we need..."

Ana crossed her arms under her chest(Because crossing it over is really uncomfortable due to her breast size. Fuwa fuwa~), continuing what Senkuu's about to say and standing beside him, she's not that good at drawing so she'll let him handle it, "Anti-biotics. They eradicate the bacteriaw that plague the human body. The cure-all of Science!"

Chrome and Kohaku's eyes widened at the small information, a thing--- a medicine like that actually existed? Just how advance were the civilization back then, before the petrification happened?

Senkuu followed up, "Since its discovery in the early 20th century, it has saved the lives of hundreds of thousand of people." Back to Ana again, "We can't do a blood test, or discover the name of the disease. However, making her take some is worth a shot!!"

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