Chapter 5

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Rikers POV

I hope Allison likes roses! I went over to Natalie's house to ask her mom what Allison's address was. Her mom is so innocent... she (unlike the rest of the world) thinks I'm a nice guy. I am a nice guy some people just take me the wrong way.

I arrived at Allison's house. It was a nice house. (The house is the one in the photo at the beginning) Now I just have to figure out which window is her bedroom window... I knocked on one praying it was hers.

Allison's POV

I was in my bed on my laptop when I heard a knock at my window. I jumped. Who could be knocking on my window at 8 pm. Wait more like who is knocking on my window?!??!?

I walked over to my window and opened it to see Riker? With roses? "These are for you." he smiled. "Thanks?" I replied. "How did you find my house??" "Natalie's mom told me your address." I was shocked like what if he was some serial killer would Natalie's mom still give him my address??

"Why are you here?" I said in a rude tone. "I wanted to show you I'm not a bad guy." "Well then why does everyone keep saying you are?" "Because-I-I" "Exactly."

I started to shut my window when he stopped me. "WAIT! Allison please give me a chance. When I first saw you THE SECOND I saw you I knew I liked you. I knew you were different from all the other girls. I knew we were meant to be together. Please, please just give me one chance?" I didn't know what to say. I want to listen to Natalie and Ross I really want to. But something SOMETHING is telling me to give Riker a chance and before I knew it I was speaking. "Okay, just one chance."


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