Chapter 33

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Riker's POV

I'm so glad that Allison and I ended up under that mistletoe together and that I had the courage to ask her to be mine again. It's been three weeks since then and our first official date back together was today. Over these past three weeks I've been much more happy and am starting to act like myself again. Allison is acting a lot more like herself as well. The world is finally getting to see that beautiful smile of hers multiple times everyday again. Everything at our lunch table has gone back to the way it used to be. I couldn't be happier.

"Ugh. I am so tired. I just wanna go home and cuddle with you all night." Allison said, placing a small kiss on my shoulder of the arm I have wrapped around her. We've been walking around the amusement park for a few hours now. Yes, the same amusement park I took her on our first date. "Just one more ride and then I have a surprise for you." I said, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

I grabbed her hand and lead her over to the ride that goes up slowly and drops extremely fast. "Oh god. This thing again." she said, looking up at it with fear in her eyes. "Hey it wasn't that bad the first time and besides I'll be with you again." I said, holding her hand a little tighter.


"I hate you so much." Allison laughed as we got off the ride. I couldn't feel my hand because it had gone numb from Allison holding it so tightly on the ride but I didn't care as long as she felt safe.

I lead Allison up a hill away from the park where I had a blanket laid out so we could lay under the stars all night. I turned to face her and grabbed both of her hands in mine and placed my forehead on top of hers.

"Allison ever since the first day I met you I knew there was something special about you. You bring out the best in me and make me feel something I don't feel with anyone else in this world. You're the only girl in my eyes and you're perfect Allison. You're one of the 3 most important girls in my life. You, mom, and Rydel. Thank you so much for giving me another chance Allison. I swear on my life I won't screw it up again. Allison.. I love you." I truthfully told her, never breaking eye contact.

Her eyes stared deeply into mine as she said something I wasn't expecting her to say. "I love you too, Riker."


Hey loves sorry I haven't updated in a million years blame school.

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