Chapter 4

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Ross' POV

I led Allison out to my car. It was a long silence before I decided to talk. "Look I don't know what Natalie has told you about Riker but I'm his brother so you can believe me. We're just trying to protect you. You're super sweet and such a nice girl we don't want your life getting screwed up. Riker can do some crazy things to a girl. We don't want him to mess you up too. Okay?" "Okay."

•skip rest of the day•

When I got home Riker was in the kitchen getting food. "Hey" I said "Hey" he replied. "I wanna talk to you..." "About..w-what?" "There's this new girl I'm friends with-" he cut me off. "SHIT ROSS YOURE CHEATING ON NATALIE!!" "No why does everyone think that I'm cheating on or broke up with Natalie?!?" "I don't know maybe because y'all never talk to anyone else." "Well this girl is Natalie's friend that's why." "OH THAT GIRL!! SHES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IVE EVER SEEN!" "Well too bad because-wait did you just use the word beautiful on some girl that's not Rydel??" "Yeah. It's because she is. She's not like other girls. And she's going to be mine." "Lol no you're not allowed to go near her." "Oh yeah who's gonna stop me little brother?" he said with an evil grin on his face.


This chapter isn't that great sorry. But do y'all think Riker and Allison will stay away from each other??

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