Chapter 22

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Riker's POV

Today's my first day at school without Allison. There's a rumor going around that she moved back to Iowa for good but I know that's not true.

I feel very lonely even though I have my siblings, Ellington, and Natalie. I also can't help but notice Kayla staring at me all day and whenever I turn around and look at her she smirks at me. I have a feeling she believes that rumor that Allison's gone for good and she thinks she has another chance with me but she's wrong.


It was about 7pm and I was in my bedroom doing my homework like a good boy. I heard a knock at my window. Why would someone be knocking at my window? Maybe it was one of my brothers trying to prank me? Maybe I was just imagining someone knocking at my window?

I walk over to my window and open it. And to my surprise I see Kayla standing there. Before I could react she climbs through my window and pushs me down on my desk chair.

She sits down on top of me and starts moving her hips in a circular pattern around my area. She's trying to make me hard but she honestly doesn't turn me on.

"What's happened pretty boy? You know you've missed me." she said with that fake voice of hers. "No I haven't." I said, truthfully. "Oh come on! Now that slut Amber or whatever is gone we can be together again." she said.

Oh and that really did it. One she got Allison's name wrong and called her Amber. Two she called Allison a slut. Like excuse me you're the real slut I was her first kiss unlike you who's probably kissed million guys and who knows how many you've slept with. And last year when you lied to the whole school telling them we had sex but guess what I'm still a virgin.

"Kayla you need to leave." I said, trying not to be rude or else I would go overboard. "Why!? We're gonna have so much fun!" she replied. "KAYLA LEAVE!" I said, raising my voice a little more than I probably should have. "No." she protested, crossing her arms over her chest.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her over to my window, sitting her down on the grass outside. I made sure to shut and lock the window once she was out there.

Allison's POV

Laurie and Emily had school today and Laurie's parents had to work so I was all alone at Laurie's house. I decided to clean Laurie's room since it looked like a total mess and I had nothing else to do.

I made her bed, dusted, opened the blinds to let light in, picked up all the tissues from the floor and threw them away, and put her books back on the shelf.

I opened her jewelry box to put away some of her bracelets. There was a silver tin I hadn't seen before in there. I slid it open and saw something I never would have imagined Laurie with.


Laurie's parents arrived home from work about 3 so I sat down and had lunch with them. About 4:30 Laurie and Emily arrived back home from school. I waited for them to get settled in and say their hellos before pulling Laurie and Emily off into Laurie's room.

I shut the door and locked it behind us. I went over and sat down on Laurie's bed motioning them to come sit down with me.

"Laurie you know you can tell us everything right?" I told her. "Yeah I know." she replied. "Well is there anything you want to tell us?" I questioned her. "No." she said, sounding confused.

"Well I found these today when I was cleaning up your room..." I said, getting up and walking over to her jewelry box. I opened it and pulled out the silver tin. I slide it open, reveling her blades. "Anything you want to tell us now?" I questioned.

Good Boy or Bad Boy? (A Riker Lynch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now