Chapter 16

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Althea pov

We are sitting on a four seater table, couple tables near the stage. Leo and Preston are having personal talks and Layla just sat beside me.

"So Althea how long have you been here."

"Umm I don't really know I guess more than 15 days." I answer unsure.

"Can I ask how are you related to both of them?" I ask still unsure who she is.

"Oh sure baby." she cooed like a mother.

"I am Preston and Leo's fairy God mother. Because whenever they mess up in things they call me. Actually I am their best friend even though I am 30 years old and they are in 20s but we are really close, oh and also I work with leo."

Oh I see she is just a friend of them. She has a really sweet voice. And guessing by that I really think she talks like a caring person. And also damn she doesn't look 30.

"Leo isn't giving you a hard time is he?" she asks.

"Umm he is very demanding and arrogant and a jerk and other than that he goddamn kidnapped me, no"

I gave her a big lipped smile, hiding my sarcasm

She laughs. "You really find him awful right."

I give her the duh look. How would she find him bad he is her best friend?I can't trust her.

I have a quite good chat with Layla for a while aside from Leo topic and she was really humorous.

I could feel Leo's eyes gazing in my direction every once in a while, which I faintly managed to control.I frequently try to conceal my face from the hair that parts infront of my face.

"You know you could call me whenever you want, Leo can't stop you."

Oh well it's not bad because I will get some company. And we could do some girl to girl talk.

"Yea sure."

Then suddenly a ginger red haired woman, wearing a black sparkly deep neck cut dress comes cat walking towards this table. Her hand clutching onto her small purse,As she flips her hair to one side. I have a bad feeling about her.

She came over to Leo.
"Leo! The party is about to be over and you didn't even dance with me."

She whines putting her hands on his arm.

"Who is she Layla?" I whisper ask her.

Layla rolls her eyes and tells me.

"This is the girl I hate,Deena, she is Leo's family friend who seems to be in love with him and never understands the meaning of no. She often ruins our friends gathering by constantly chaperoning Leo."

Oh so this might be his girlfriend. She does have a pretty face.

"What about him does he like her back? " I question Layla curious.

Do I care. No absolutely not.

"Umm no but at times he is affectionate for her." she replies with a monotone not removing her eyes of her.

Leo nods and got up with her.

He gives me a last look and leaves.
I don't know but his look dropped my heart in my stomach making me nauseous.

What is wrong with me?

They get on the dance floor and dance.

Leo make sures to put enough distance between him and her. While she clings to his neck and swings her butt side to side dancing.

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