Chapter 13

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Guys I feel so low right now. I'd love to get connected with you guys through my story.

And the credit to this amazing cover is to@ I_love_myself54
Thank you.

Althea's pov.

Soon I was getting impatient.
My heart escalated quickly when I was in my room leaning against the door shut.
Now it's been over an hour there is no sign of him.Atleast someone allow me to get out.

Fuck it!I am out of here.

Do hell with him and his bloody orders.I took a bag from the closet and stuff in my clothes and zipped up
the bag.Hanging it loosely over my shoulder, I took a peek out of the door. No servants were in sights.

I zoomed to the room on my right which is apparently Leo's.

I slowly opened the door without making any noise, took a glance and nobody was in there.

I went inside and locked the door behind me. I opened up the bathroom door even though I hoped I did not see him in there. Not that would be a bad sight.

Ugh naughty imagination althea.
Erase. Erase.

I shook head fiercely. He wasn't in there too.

I spied around quickly. And the first thing I saw was a cordless.I grabbed the phone too quickly and dialed the police depart ment.

Will it ring?or will the call get rejected for the second time.

I kept on hopeing while the phone rings.

Beep. Beep.

Ughh come on, come on.


"Uh Hello? This is police department there is an emergency in the Walker mansion please arrive at the moment."

He is so rich, they would probably know his house.

I did not state the obvious situation since they may not arrive or the call might drop.

Like the last time.

"Okay we will be right there. Can you tell me if you are Mr. Walkers assistant."

"Yes yes I am."

I lie. Hoping my plan works.
My breath hitched in my throat when I saw the key attached to the door rotating anticlockwise.

I quickly hung up the phone and the door slammed open.

A servant looking shocked asks me.
"What are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here."

"You people can't do anything now. The police is on its way."

His eyes drop to the phone in my hand he came over and tried to hold me, to probably take to Leo's office.

Thanks to his slightly frail figure.I
push him on the chest and a punch square on the nose did its work.

Even though I hissed when blood trickled off his nose but i couldnt care less. Yes I am selfish right now. I need to save myself first.

"Don't ever fucking dare to touch me!"

I don't know why whenever I think there are no servants around, suddenly one of them pops in front.

I rush out the room while he groaned in pain and called Leo.

I jogg down stairs to the main gates. I could hear the noisy sirens of police just outside the doors.

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