Chapter 9

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The taste was horrible.I couldn't stand it.Marta rushed over to my side and kept her hand on my shoulder.

"I am sorry this was -" I threw up again. Gosh Marta would have been so grossed out but instead she patted my back lightly.

"No worries dear." I get up from my seat bringing some clean towels to clean my mess.

It was just so uncooked and rotten.
What was it.

Or is it me who doesn't compromise in eating.Because I love food.

"Dear, let me make you something."
Marta says.

"No, thank you, I will make something by myself today." I smiled  at her.
This food ruined the taste in my mouth.I clutch my stomach. And gargle my mouth in the bathroom.

I went back to the kitchen and the cook wasn't there. I looked up the fridge again and decided to make some pasta.

I had to search up here and there for ingredients but eventually I found everything there.

Marta came in after some time.
"Its Mr. Leo's lunch time, shall I serve him the wings."

Even though I want that man to suffer but this definitely is not good.

I will serve him my pasta today.

"No! Marta that's really horrible. My pasta is just done I will serve it to him."

She smiles and leaves to her work.
After it's done I took of the lid,  smells good.

Leo looks over at me when I keep the bowl. "Why did you make it?"
He asks. Cocking his eyebrow up.
"Actually, your cook's food tastes yucky, so I made it for myself.But I will let you have a bite."
I said flaunting a bit.

"How do I believe you haven't poisened it." he says, I know this guy is teasing me. The smile that he is trying to hold doesn't go unseen by me.

"God! Can't you be more ungrateful!" I raised my voice sarcastically while sitting on the chair.

He raises his hand to grab the spoon. But I swat it. "Your not getting any now!"

"What do you mean, this is my house.Let me try it now. I will thank you once I taste it." he says grabbing the bowl out of my hand.

I glare at him while he puts 2 big spoons of pasta on his plate. I snatch the bowl back and start putting it for myself.

While I steal glances at him and took a look at his reaction he takes a bite nodding his head." This is really good"  he whispers.

Yeah whatever I did not make it for you.

But I was glad he liked it.


"I know." he laughs at my reply.He looks less scary. And more normal.

Right now I am done with my food. But this guy is having his fourth plate did he really like it this much or does he always have this much appetite.

I feel a headache arising in my head and the rain has made me cold.

"Who else lives here?" I ask curious.

"Nobody but me." I furrowed my eyebrows.

Such a big house for only him. I am about to ask where his parents are but he speaks up.

"Next time, you will cook for me."

Excuse me?

"No! Not at all."  I refused immediately, he looked at me serious.
"You will. Or you know what will be the "  he threatens me.

Oh he really had to play that card.

Why the hell did I had to be generous to offer him food that I made.


"I don't care!" I exclaim.

"Fine, If you make me food, I will pay you." he declared.

"No!" I refuse shaking my head. Crossing my arms across my chest.

"No?" he roars in surprise.

I am not hungry for money besides what will I do with it, he won't let me leave anywhere .

But it would be useful for whenever I escape.

He gets up on his feet. His tall height towers over me. He grabs the chair behind my head and the other hand placed on the table with a thud. He leans in closer and closer. He raised an eyebrow smirking.

God he is really attractive. My heart is pounding in my chest. He makes my head ache increase because I tense up when he is near me. If he wouldnt be my kidnapper I would have hugged him right there. I inwardly shake my head.

I lean away from him. He comes closer and closer I place my hands in front of him.
"Hey! W-what are you doing"

Uh I really wish I had poisoned it.

He is inches close to me.

"Now what are you gonna say."he whispers.

"Uh-I - OK!" he smiled at my answer.

Its just cooking I will do it, and I can't even eat the cooks food besides getting some money for the flight maybe I can escape.

I push his chest hard, he laughs lightly. Damn his laugh was playful.
And he looks even more attractive while smiling.I ignore him and rush back upstairs.

Once I closed the door I breathe the sigh of relief.

I decide to have a nice relaxing bath since I am having a headache and feeling cold. My finger tips and toes are freezing.I open the warm water in the tub and layed down.

How long do I have to stay here, this guy is till now providing me with food and room.
But none of it matters since I am almost in a house arrest.

I dipped down further in water until the water touches my chin..
I didn't realised when I had a short nap.

I woke up realising I am still in the tub, I took a glance at the clock,

20 minutes.

I have been in water for 20 minutes.
I get out wearing my bathrobe. Shit I am shivering the water has turned cold.

And god the weather is cold too. I got out the bathroom. My head it bangs too hard. I grit my teeth with the pain.I should lay down on the bed for a bit maybe I will be alright.
I didn't even dry my hair and wore some clothes on and layed on the bed.
I put on a blanket and sleep shivering slightly.

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