Chapter 23

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Althea pov.



When we get out of the mansion Marta arrives with a small shawl to help me cover from the cold weather outside.

"Wait! dear If you are going outside, take this , or you might catch a cold."

"Thanks Marta." I reply great fully, as she walks back to home again.

See, I told you she behaves like a caring mother. She is so humble.

"I am not holding you this time." I warn Leo with a smirk.I hop on the bike. Semi excited, semi scared to ride on it. It was fun last time.

"Are you sure about that." he challenges.

"Yes, lets-" with a sudden jerk of bike. I fall into the back of Leo. Clutching him tight from his waist.

"Leo!" I was startled a bit flustered as well.

"Thea" he said in response.

"Drive already." I rotate my eyes and hold onto him tight.

After a short and fast ride we arrive at the restaurant Leo was talking about.

It was close to us yet I never noticed it.Well yeah I don't go out the house very much.

Why do these thoughts make me depressed again. I feel a pang of hurt when I think about it.My heart falls into the pit of my stomach. And then I suddenly hate everyone and everything in this world.I need to hold it in. The feeling of rage.

My stomach grumbled with hunger as my appetite increases, giving me a dizzy sensation in my head

I accompany  Leo, wrapping myself with the shawl.

When I got inside an amazing aroma of variety of foods enveloped me.
I am excited.

Even though, I went out with leo a few times to take a break we never went to a restaurant before. He never took me to eat. It would always be a short, quick time in which I would just feel the peace of seeing things other than what I see in mansion.

The restaurant had colors and combination every where giving my eyes pleasure. Unlike Leo's mansion which is sophisticated and all shades of cream. We sit in the corner where we could see the view outside from the glass window.

Is he by any chance trying to be Romantic?

If it is so, he would get his face smashed in the plate.

Dare he even let the simple thought that he can woo me into liking him. I make all types of sour faces. While he didn't look at me

The waiter comes over to us.
"What would you like to have sir?"

I skim through the menu.
Wow! a variety of kuisine. This must be expensive. Haha so what? Leo is going to pay.

This is my sweet little revenge with him. I am going to order whatever I like without the fear of paying it.

After Leo gave his order.He motions me to order something myself.

I can order myself!  I was unsure if he is going to let me choose myself.

"One chocolate waffle, a banana pancake, and Cafe latte."

This is too little, but I can't ingest so much food in my system.

The waited leaves before I could give him my, 'I need help to escape look'

Leo is on his phone. The whole restaurant is empty. Which is good for my situation. I am in my alien pj's.

"Leo, don't you think the whole restaurant is... vacant."
I question.

He keeps his mobile back and replies with a short laughter.

"Because this is my mother's restaurant. And I told them to reserve it."  It wasn't hard to guess. He is rich he can buy buildings. I am so jealous.

"Ohkay." I was relieved. But when did he reserve it. I never saw him talking to anybody on this phone.Did he plan all of it since the morning. He knew he would take me to the restaurant? He did this because I was in my pj's.? He shouldn't care about me. I want to hate him.

I give him a skeptic eye.

"What are you thinking?" he asks.

Your distinguishly clever brain. Your stupid tricks. Your daring self that makes me wanna punch him even more

"How ugly you look" I blurt. His eyes pop out. But he kept his poker face.

Let's hurt his ego.

"Liar!" he says grinning. Confidence beaming through his posture.

"It is the truth" I state shrugging..

He raises an eyebrow.

"But you might look good"  I thought I something.

"How so?" He grins.

"If you ultimately leave me alone and let me go."

He leans back into his chair and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Well too bad that's never going to happen, you are stuck with seeing my ugly face forever."

I scowl and pout, I knew he would say something like this. A failed attempt.

"Can't you atleast let me go out whenever, even keep a bodyguard to keep and eye on me. Must I really have to wait for you all the time." i whined trying to make a deal with him.

"I will when the time is right and I won't suspect you to run anymore." he says like it is a final statement. Can I even change his mind?

"Okay, one more question!" I say when the waiter suddenly appears with our food.

He then leaves and I start digging in and so does Leo.

Wow delicious. I haven't had pancakes in a while.

"Hmm so?" he asks wanting me to continue where I left off.

"Why did the guys beat you up? There?"

I look at him curious, why would he go alone, without any bodyguards and get beaten up by them. Like it was an invitation.

Suddenly I am splashed to senses. Yes, I am actually wet.

Someone dared to throw water on me. I see my half eaten food filled with water. My expression agape. With my single hand I wipe off my eyes to see better, Water trickles down from my hair lits to my face, and my dress also sticking onto my body. Cold entering my body. I inhale, puffing my cheeks trying to control the boiling anger within me at the disrespect and suddenness.

What did I ever do! I cursed.

I get up from my seat. My eyes wander to  Leo sitting Infront of me. Who copied my action and rose up from his seat with a push to his chair. He looked exasperated and glared straight at the crazy individual.

I grit my teeth. Ready to lash out.

Stay safe, stay home.
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