Chapter 3

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The other day at 8:00 am was my flight to London,I changed into a casual white shirt and blue jeans and stepped out of my room.

"Brother I am ready." I yelled to alarm him.

"Me too." he hops out of his room in a shirt and shorts.

But where is his bag?

"Bro, your bag?" i squint my brows. Fishy.

"Uh I thought we will buy me something new from there. I don't have any new clothes." I furrowed my eyebrows he gave me a short
Laugh but he was acting way too suspicious for no reason however I shrugged it off.

I am too excited to think about weird things.

Ah that was one hell of a ride.
My feet are sore wearing those shoes. Not to mention my back is stiff

I Can't wait to get to our hotel.
I don't know how he is affording it?

"Brother you booked a hotel? ." I ask him once we got a cab.

"Yes, just some hotel nearest to the airport "

I can't wait to see Brice and Mel.

The streets were so pretty and busy.
The cool fresh air brimmed me with chills.
Our cab stopped in front of a tall building.

Hell no.

We entered inside, my lips couldn't stop smiling.

The place was elegant, huge and just perfect!

And boy! let's not mention how expensive it could be.

"Brother how did you manage to purchase a room, it looks so expensive."

My popped like two pair of sockets.

"You like it that's it for me." he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. Believe it or not something is off about him.

Maybe because he misses mom and dad just like I do every single moment of my life.

I shake that thought off my brain or else I would have started crying a waterfall here. I usually undergo anxiety.

I nodded to my brother.

I can't believe bro booked us two different rooms in this place which looks hella expensive. I guess it's time we go rich baby.

Before going in our rooms he said one thing.

"I am going to meet a friend tomorrow ,you can meet Mel."

"Oh yes! Of course I miss her"

"My friend is a friend of Mel so his driver will drop you to her home tomorrow 12:00pm okay."

Oooo I didn't know about it.

"Yes thanks!" I hugged him, I looked like the kid in the vine who was happy when he got an avocado.
I went in my room 201.I swiped my card and oh my lord it was such a pretty room. Please pinch me someone this is a dream. I may exaggerate but what can I say I spent my days from school to home and vice versa.

The bed looked so comfortable.
I can't wait to take a warm bath,besides I am so tired it was and 8 hour long flight. I dipped my self into the warm water.

Finally! A place to be.
I remember me and dad loved to travel.

When I was a kid Brice told me.

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