These cats didn't have the warrior code, but Crowpaw's heart still followed those rules. He was raised on those rules, and they guided the Clans peacefully. They continued to help Crowpaw beyond the borders.

Crowpaw heard a snapping twig, the sudden sound made him jump slightly. Crowpaw lifted his head and looked around, he knew that neither Rudy nor Flint would be so careless. He wondered if it was Ripper again, Crowpaw sniffed the air and caught the scent of rogue on the breeze. The fur along Crowpaw's spine rose and he extended his claws, prepared to fight.

There was a shuffle in the brush behind him, he spun around to face the noise. "Show yourself." Crowpaw hissed, baring his teeth. There was no response, but Crowpaw knew that something was lurking in the brush. He took a mild step forward, trying to stay aware of everything that surrounded him.

There was a quick noise behind him, he heard the skittering of pawsteps and Crowpaw whipped around, meeting the venomous green gaze of Ripper. In his jaws was Crowpaw's vole. "Hey!" Crowpaw snapped. "That's mine."

"Not anymore." A new voice and Crowpaw looked over his shoulder to see a she-cat stepping out of the brush. It was a lean, brown tabby she-cat with deep amber eyes. The one thing he noticed about her was one of her hind paws twisted inward at an unnatural angle with a deep scar running across her ankle. "Maybe you shouldn't let your guard down so easily."

Crowpaw bared his teeth. "Are rogues so useless that they can't even catch their own prey?"

Ripper lashed his tail. "It's so much more fun stealing from pathetic scraps like you."

"Honorless rat." Crowpaw growled, both rogues were moving in close. He wondered if Flint and Rudy were close. I can't fight both of them.

"Be careful what you say freak." The she-cat grumbled, her long claws tearing at the frozen earth. "Every cat in the twolegplace is talking about you, how you came from the forest. I've heard all the stories."

"Yeah?" Crowpaw sneered. "What have you heard?"

"Forest cats are nothing but violent, selfish creatures who hoard the forest and prey to themselves."

"The cats I knew back in the forest are worth ten of you flea-bitten rogues. You know nothing about me or where I come from. Go back to eating crowfood off the streets like you belong."

"Watch your tongue." Ripper snapped. "Or I'll have to claw it out of your head."

"Try it." Crowpaw held his head high, he had to act confident around these rogues. He couldn't let them sense any fear. "It will be the last thing you ever do." Slight movement caught Crowpaw's eyes and through the trees he caught Rudy's sharp gaze. She had her eyes set on the she-cat. She gave Crowpaw a nod, he assumed that Flint was here as well. They're here.

"Such a big threat coming from such a little kit." Ripper dropped the vole and raised his lip, exposing broken, rotten teeth. "Why don't you put your claws where your words are!" Ripper leapt forward, Crowpaw braced himself for impact but saw a blur of gray as Flint and Rudy dived out from either side of Crowpaw and the rogues.

Flint jumped and knocked Ripper to the ground, the rogue rolled through the leaves and quickly scrambled back to his paws. Hissing violently and ducking his head. Rudy quickly shot around the back of Crowpaw as the she-cat tried to attack Crowpaw. Crowpaw twisted on his paws as Rudy pinned the she-cat to the ground.

"Vile she-cat." Rudy growled.

"Disgusting forest cat!" The loner hissed and sank her claws into Rudy's shoulders, raking her claws down her forelegs. Rudy hissed and backed off, letting the rogue up. She stumbled back on her twisted paw. She lashed the air, threatening another attack.

"Twist!" Ripper called as he squirmed away from Flint. "Let's go." He met Crowpaw's gaze, there was bloodlust burning deep inside of them. "This isn't over, you be sure to tell Cooper that. He can't hoard the prey forever."

Twist limped away from Rudy to Ripper's side, she looked over shoulder. "We'll take the prey if we have to, and we'll slaughter any cat who gets in our way."

"Yeah, right." Rudy rolled her eyes. "Run back to the twolegplace!" Twist hissed sharply before the two of them vanished towards the twolegplace.

"Yikes." Flint shook his pelt. "Ripper is acting more hostile than usual."

"I think he means what he says." Crowpaw mewed, staring after Ripper and Twist. "They're going to try and drive us out."

"I'd like to see him try." Flint snorted.

Crowpaw forced himself to turn away from the direction of the twolegplace and face Flint and Rudy. "We need to tell Cooper, they're probably going to attack us. Who knows how many rogues he has behind him."

"I guess." Flint didn't seem convinced, but Rudy nodded her head.

"Grab your vole and let's go home."

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