A Simple Mistranslation

Start from the beginning

Hearing a creak from the entrance, Buffy automatically tensed up.

Jumping up to her feet, Buffy clenched her fists tightly only for her eyes to widen in shock as she spotted a familiar face walking into the crypt.

Elijah Mikaelson.

What the actual fuck was happening right now?!


The sound of her voice caused Elijah to stop dead in his tracks, his eyes widening like saucers "Buffy-Anne?" He breathed in astonishment before focusing back on Sophie who nodded sharply.

Confirming his thoughts.

It was safe to say Elijah was positively stunned and for a second he couldn't help but feel pity for the still clueless Buffy. Her entire life was about to change and there was a very high chance she was about to lose everything.

"Have they harmed you?" He asked as he slowly approached the cell, his eyes quickly scanning her for any sign of injury.

Buffy sputtered, he knew something, she could see it.

How was that fair?! She was the one trapped with no idea what the hell was going on.

It was like she was the last person to know why she had been kidnapped.

Why was no one telling her anything?!

"Someone wanna tell me what's going on! I'm bored and testy."

Elijah sighed deeply as she started pacing back and forth like a furious animal about to tear apart everything in sight.

He needed to get ahold of Niklaus.



Connor was still alive.

Elena just couldn't believe what Damon had just told her. Completely stunned she hung up the phone and stared over at Jeremy, both of them exchanging the same dreadful look.

Why the hell had Klaus saved Connor?

Jeremy sighed as he placed his sandwich down "What do we do?"

Now that Connor was alive, it wouldn't be long before he showed up again, probably beyond furious that he and Buffy had screwed him over.

That was if he could escape from Klaus who would be keeping under lock and key.

Elena couldn't help but shrug before she push over her journal, the gibberish she had been writing that upside down reflected Connors's tattoo perfectly.

Jeremy froze as he stared down at the mess of writing, his eyes glued to all of the markings and strange symbols that formed the tattoo "Elena this is Connor's tattoo."

Elena sighed as she took a bite of her tuna roll, stress practically dripping out of her pours "I know I've been drawing it for days. Whatever is coming it has to do with this...but I keep having this feeling that the drawing isn't finished."

Every time she thought about Connor's mystery tattoo, she got a strong wave of death running down her spine like cold ice water.

"So you think it grows?" 

"I don't know." Elena huffed in frustration.

God, she wished Buffy was here.

Buffy was the best person to bounce supernatural theories off, plus she always made it so entertaining.

Just the thought of her currently AWOL sister had dread starting to form in her gut "Do you think it's weird that Buffy just took off?"

"Yes." Jeremy said without hesitation.

It was completely weird, Buffy wasn't the type to just take off in the middle of the night, leaving all of her weapons and her shoes behind.

Especially with nothing but some vague text about going to the desert.

Elena couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Plus, if Jeremy was worried then something had to be up. However, her worried-Buffy brain was quickly brought to a halt as she spotted the new message from Bonnie pop up on her phone.

Today was the day the new occult studies teacher started and given Bonnie wanted to declare it her major, they had been planning to scope the new guy out.

The Occult Studies Department at Whitmore hadn't had the best reputation after Shelia Bennett passed away. They had never been able to find someone who could live up to her legacy.

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