Chapter 19

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-Chapter 19-
*Story based on Against the Tide. All copyrights reserved*
Characters: Qiu Xueqing-acted by Ruien
Di Shen-acted by Christopher Lee
Di Yao/Scarlet-acted by Carrie Wong
Dr Wong-acted by some guy

*hello! we shall start on a fresh story and not the one we've been writing for ages ok! because we have loads of feels for xueqing now so we shall continue where att ended off ok:)*

Xueqing's POV

I turned around and looked at that man. I do not remember him but he gave me a sense of warmth and familiarity. It was a very weird feeling but I can't seem to put my finger on it. Tears welled up in the stranger's eyes, as if he knew me. I tried to remember him but I couldn't. He seemed to be just another stranger in my memory.

" xueqing?" He muttered

I nodded and thoughts flooded my mind. How did he know me? Did I really know him because I lost my memory?

"Qiu Xue Qing?" He asked again, as though he did not believe me.

"Yes, I am Xue Qing. Do I know you?"

Di Shen's POV

I was stunned. Ever since everything happened that every day, I've hidden myself up in my home most of the time, taking care of Diyao and writing my new novel, which was going to be launched today.

"Did you really forget me?" I hoped for the best. After all, she is the girl I love, or rather loved.

She looked as if she was struggling to remember me.

"It's ok." I smiled at her but my heart shattered. I haven't seen her ever since that day but she seemed like a completely different person. I turned to walk away, trying to control my tears.

"Wait! You are...?" She shouted and ran up to me.

" really want to know?"

She nodded, a smile brightening up her face. The smile that I love, started to make my heart beat faster, all over again.

"I'll tell you later ok? I have something on now." I looked at my watch. I was late for my book launch. I walked away hurriedly, not knowing if I should talk to her again. I snuck a look at her. She stood there, stunned.

Xue Qing's POV

Judging from his actions, I'm quite certain that I used to know him. But I just can't remember. The book that was featured on the posters sounds pretty interesting though. I decided to make my way to the seminar room which the launch was held. I gently pushed the door open and made my way to a chair at the back of the crowded room. The man I had seen earlier was sitting on stage and talking about the book. Could he be the writer?

"This book is called 燃烧的雪. It is adapted for a true story and a new genre compared to my other novels. This book is dedicated to a girl who I love, who I hurt." He paused to wipe a tear off his face. He was sure a weird person. After the session ended, I saw him leaving the museum.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I shouted and ran towards him. He turned and gave me uneasy glance.

"I see you are Di Shen! I guess you know me already. You look really really familiar but I just can't remember...I'm sorry..."

"You went to my book launch?" He muttered softly under his breath.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"No... It's just that...old xueqing was always hesitant to read my books...but you..."

I stared at him. My heart beat faster. I was sure he knew me before everything happened.

"Are you free now? Could we talk? Please?" He seemed uncomfortable but agreed.

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