Chapter 8

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-Chapter 8-

*Story based on Poetic Justice. All copyrights reserved*

Characters: Liu Yan Zhi-acted by RuiEn

Fang Zheng Ye-acted by Dai Xiang Yu(formerly known as Dai Yang Tian)

Feng Luo Ling-acted by Rebecca Lim

Zhong Rui Yao-acted by Sora Ma

*Just for your info. this part happened when Zheng Ye and Luo Ling were still dating.However, Zheng Ye and Yan Zhi already had feelings for each other, just like in the show ;) *

Yan Zhi's POV

I tip-toed towards Zheng Ye's table, picked up a random file on the way and stood beside him. Silently counting to three, I smacked the file on his head. He jolted up in surprise, and glanced around furtively.

"上班时间不做工,偷懒睡觉,怕别人知道是吗?" I scolded him.

" 女孩子粗粗鲁鲁的, 哪有人会喜欢啊?" He rebutted, straying away from the topic.

"你 lorh?" I teased, before walking back to my desk.

"你啊,达不到我的水平。我才不要。" He retaliated.

"You say one ah! Don't you regret it!" I pointed my finger at him.

I sat down and tried my best to ignore him by doing my work. However, I saw Zheng Ye's shadow approaching.

"Let's see what tricks you have up your sleeves this time," I thought.

He squatted down, spun my chair around, and tickled me on my chin.

"Ugh. Stop that. It's itchy. Ugh. Go away lah," I turned around and around, accidentally kicking him in the process, but I didn't realise anything.

Suddenly, he let out a scream.

"干嘛lah?" I asked, a teeny-weeny bit concerned about him.

"You kicked me! 如果破坏我这张英俊的脸怎么办呀?" He acted as if really in pain. Although I knew it was not for real, my heart ached.

"Stop fooling around. Go back to work lah."

"Yes, ma'am." He saluted.

Just then, the phone on my table rang. I picked it up, and the other party spoke.

"YanZhi? This is Ou Yang Qiu. There's a new piece of 'hot' news coming up. It's about the recent murder case. Bring your team over to interview them. You know what you should do right? Darling..."

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