Chapter 6

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-Chapter 6-

*Story based on Unriddle 2. All copyrights reserved.*

Characters: Hu Xiao Man-acted by RuiEn in Unriddle 2

Xie Lang Feng- acted by Elvin Ng

Dai Bao Lun- acted by Yuan Shuai

Wu Zhi Yun- acted by Adam Chen

Sun Ming Wei- acted by Sora Ma

Xie Lang Feng's POV

I waited. In bated breath. For the moment of truth. Would Xiao Man accept my wooing? My heart was pounding faster than an F1 car. The expression on her face was hard to describe. A mixture of delight, amuse and many more. Well, I dont care. As long as I can become her boyfriend, nothing matters to me anymore.

"Xiao Man? Are you there?" I waved my hand across her face.

"Huh? Er.. Ya... I'm still here." She stuttered, which I thought was pretty cute.

"So will you accept me?" I hoped with all my heart she would say yes.

"Um... I need to go to the ladies."

She said and took her leave.

I slumped in my chair, hoping she would return with a positive reply.


Hu Xiao Man's POV

"Xiao Man. Calm down. You can do this. Just say I like you too." I said to my reflection in the mirror.

"No, no, no, I LIKE YOU TOO." I said in another tone. I sighed. I knew I couldn't muster up the courage. I shook my head and left the toilet.


"So have you got your answer yet?" Lang queried.

"Um.. I think, we can consider... to... date... for a while." I muttered.

His face changed a series of different expressions. I couldn't tell if he was shocked, amused or happy.

He suddenly got up and carried me up, as if I agreed to marry him. He twirled around with me in his arms, saying, "yes yes yes".

"Oi! I accepted to be your girlfriend only. I never gave you the right to get so close to me." I shouted, slapping his muscular shoulder at the same time.

"Oh oh. Sorry. I was too happy." He looked at the ground sheepishly.

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

"Hey, I'm still your superior at work ok. And, being my boyfriend doesn't give you the excuse to slack off. If you do, I'll immediately break.."

"Shhh. Don't say such things. Yes, ma'am!" He blurted, cutting me off.


(At a park taking a stroll after dinner)

The awkward silence was killing me. I was too excited to be calm and cool as usual. I felt someone brush against my hand. And again. At that moment, something griped my hand. I glanced down. It was Lang. I looked at him. Noticing my glance, he looked away, pretending nothing happened.

" feeling uncomfortable?" He looked at me caringly. I shrugged and looked away.

As if sensing something was wrong with me, he stopped at a bench and asked me to sit.


"You looked uncomfortable. What's wrong? Did I do anything wrong?"

I sighed. "No, nothing's wrong. I'm just not used to this."

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