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[X] This week was spent reading back this series and I couldn't help but notice that the first series had reached 50k reads by now. A huge milestone in my life and I owed it all to you guys. This extra bit is what I had envisioned happen after Hikari's death from his point of view. Thank you for your support and do forever keep Naruto close to your hearts as I do. Cheers!

My ears were ringing, buzzing pulsatingly until I felt warmer and warmer as all over my body was bathed with its radiant heat. I have indeed been here before and it was a tad bit differs from the previous, a lot more sensation this time and less coldness. I opened my eyes and found that my sights were back; confirming the fact that I indeed died. As if the absence of pain wouldn't explain it much better.

"What were you doing getting back here that soon?" A much desired and familiar voice said. Oh, how I longed to hear that once again.

"You even dare to leave Karin-chan hanging at home. I was beginning to ship you two, you know," she grumbled and I immediately fly towards her before I hugged her tightly. She was much warmer and pleasant to embrace than before. My tears fell over the release of my longing towards my first love--Hitori, the great Phoenix Sage. She was as beautiful as ever.

"I missed you so damn much," I croaked between my sobs. She patted me on my head as she hushed me of my tears.

"There, there love. It's not like I really went away, I lived right here where your soul resides," Hitori said. "Did you finished your job?"

"Yes, it was a brother of mine all along. A halfling born out of Haha-ue's will," I explained.

"That would explain the shadow entity I burnt off just now. I thought that was your lingering doubt," She commented.

"I no longer have any doubts, not since the battle at Suna. What I did have were merely the fear of not living up to your and everyone else's expectation of me," I droned. "So he is done for, that's good news in my book. We can finally rest in peace."

"Well, no. There is a concern that bogs my mind, Hikari. There was no one watching the sky anymore. It was my job before, which was why I told you're early," Hitori hesitantly said.

"You mean..." I questioned whilst my mind made the connections.

"Those greedy Otsutsuki bunch might slip into the galaxy," she stated for a fact. I slumped down in defeat.

"I have doomed my friends," I said in despair. I was wrong to sacrifice myself, what an idiot am I?! How could I miss that when I was the only child who knew why Haha-ue came here into this land in the first place. They will be helpless without me. I began to pace back and forth, greatly mortified of what's to come.

"Don't doubt your friends that much, my love. Naruto-chan will mastered full control over his Bijuu's chakra and Sasuke-chan had just recently awakened his own Rinnegan due to your death. Don't forget that my Imoutos had mastered Phoenix Sage Jutsu like yourself, dear," she said. A flurry of images appeared before us showing bits and pieces of the past memories and some that are way past my own death.

"Wait a minute, this is not my memories, isn't it?" I said when I come to that conclusion.

"No, it's not. Such is what this world could do. This is where I usually ended up if I used up my life energy. It is a doorway to the countless dimension present along with our universe but I couldn't seem to cross into any of them, I could only observe everything until my dispersed energy returned back and I will be sent to a new universe. There's some occasion where a person suddenly pops up here after their death. I was supposed to guide them to their retribution but you know how I hated interaction. Thus, I just nudged them along while I concealed my self," Hitori explained.

Hikari; CataclysmWhere stories live. Discover now