Chapter 7

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The journey home took me about two days roughly but I reached Konoha in time for Naruto’s departure to Mount Myoboku. As soon as I got into Konoha, I wasted no time and made my way towards the Hokage Office. There was Shikamaru, Naruto, and someone I didn't know were bickering back and forth with Fukusaku-sama and Senpai. When I reached the windows, I heard them.

‘I'll train you in magic on the strange tree mountain if you don't mind learning the same way I beat it into Jiraiya-chan,’ Fukusaku-sama said. Holy shit, he practically wanted to teach Naruto Sage Jutsu himself.

‘And I'll be able to beat Pein that way?!’ Naruto demanded the fire had burned in his eyes once again. He needed to do it regardless because Pein had defeated a Sage Jutsu user, which itself is saying something about that leader of the Akatsuki.

‘Just do it, Naruto! Sage Jutsu is the strongest arsenal I have, remember? Senpai, you know this is true,’ I said, announcing my arrival.

‘Yeah, of course. Naruto, you better work hard,’ Senpai encouraged my best friend.

‘Training in these arts is harsher than you could imagine! Think you can do it?’ the toad challenged. Huh, you could see it in his eyes, he was more than ready.

‘That Ero-Sennin could do it, couldn't he?’ Naruto said and determination could be seen in his eyes. ‘Then, there's no way I can fail either! I'll do it!’

With that, the blonde went out of the office to get ready for his trip. We all chuckled at his behavior, sometimes he was too mature, and sometimes he was back to his usual demeanor.

‘Where did you go? I didn't see you for two whole days?’ Shikamaru asked me. I nodded to greet him and I carefully placed the scroll containing Jiraiya-senpai onto the table.

‘I went to Amegakure to retrieve Jiraiya-senpai’s body. It is confirmed, Amegakure is indeed their base,’ I said and senpai was shocked as her hands were trembling as she grabbed the scroll that I had placed on to the desk. ‘I request a mission to infiltrate and eliminate the remnants of Akatsuki.’

‘Very well. Yamato and Anko were out on a wild goose chase searching for Kabuto. Why don’t you meet up with them and take them with you,’ Senpai shakily said and I immediately brightened at the name.

‘Hey, is it wise to go about this that way? You could be walking into a trap,’ Shikamaru contested.

‘Well, we can’t afford to sit idly by either. Naruto may be going to Mount Myoboku but the enemy won’t know that. They might strike here anytime soon,’ I argued. ‘Now is the prime time to take a step ahead of them.’

I bowed to Tsunade-senpai who urgently stood up and left the room while holding the scroll containing Jiraiya-senpai. I could sense her broken heart from a mile away, she was mourning. I signaled Shikamaru to leave the Hokage alone before I flickered out to the village gate.

‘Shit!!’ Izumo and Kotetsu cursed. ‘Don't appear out of anywhere, you cursed brat!’

I laughed and went to their desk to have a little chat with them.

‘Sorry guys. I am heading out again, this time bringing the fight to the Akatsuki,’ I said.

‘Hikari-kun, you just got back and now you're heading out already?’ Kotetsu asked worriedly. Well, those two were part of the TNI team and they surely could hypothesize why I was doing it.

‘It's for Naruto’s sake. My best friend won’t be safe as long as they are hunting him,’ I said, sullenly. ‘Well later, guys.’ 

I bid them goodbye before taking off. The journey wasn't going as fluidly as I liked but, I could manage it for now. I had to go the long way round to fetch Anko-san and Tenzou-san. There was a member of mine following them but that guy preferred to follow them from a distance but thanks to him, I knew the general area of where they were searching. Regarding the Akatsuki I knew that we hardly have the element of surprise, we just had to get to them in time. The thought of bringing the fight towards the Akatsuki had considerably eased most of my worries.

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