Chapter 10

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The five Kages waited patiently for any recent news regarding the battle at the border of Fire and Lightning. They first caught wind of this battle when a team of Konoha TNI reported in the Kumogakure that they had been ordered to report directly to the Hokage by the ROOT Director about their findings. Tsunade was just finishing healing Anko that was knocked out by said Director, she was noticeably on edge at that moment. Honestly, who wouldn't, the Director was only in his teens despite being technically thousands of old. The Kages had finished gathering and briefing their forces about the upcoming war. The shinobi world was prepared to back the Director up if he should require one. However, due to the information from the Intel corps, they will only be a hindrance for the Director right then as the fight was out worldly by any shinobi standard--one boy against an Uchiha with the control of seven Bijuus and a vile snake-freak with a limitless amount of soldiers at their disposal. They were left blinded when the chakra spikes had finally died down a few hours ago.

‘He takes too much time,’ the Hokage gritted as she interlocks her fingers, her eyes were sharp and of deep concern for her junior, ‘he's a reckless kid. I am really worried right now.’

‘What do you mean? Hikari-kun seems like a nice, handsome boy,’ the Mizukage commented in an attempt to make small talk with the Hokage, hoping that she would calm down the Hokage's nerves. As one lady to another, she knew what the Slug Sannin was feeling--worried for a child she loved.

‘He places no value on his life when it comes to achieving peace, in general, that is. Regardless whether it was a friend who strayed from a path or a trapped comrade who needed saving, he'd give his life away without hesitation,’ Tsunade said.

‘Hmph, sounds like the makings of a true shinobi to me!’ The Tsuchikage grouched and the Hokage snorted.

‘He is much more than that,’ Tsunade gritted yet again. It was just then a flock of crows appeared at the balcony and it bonded together to form three people and one was cradling a lifeless body that was covered in an Akatsuki robe. All of the shinobi that was present immediately recoiled defensively and ready to attack.

‘Shinobi, hold your ground! Ni-san?’ Sasuke immediately shunshinned to the front of the group.

‘Hello, Otouto. I would prefer to meet you again in a much desirable condition. I need to see Hokage-sama now, it is urgent,’ the man said and Hokage walked forward through the crowd.

‘What's the meaning of this Itachi? How're you alive?’ Tsunade asked but she noted his eyes. ‘Edo Tensei? Who?’

‘Yakushi Kabuto was going to use the jutsu against the shinobi world but before you jump to a conclusion, these two had been changed by me and Hikari through Izanami,’ Itachi said and the companion of his revealed themselves to be Uchiha Obito and Yakushi Kabuto. ‘If you understood how permanent the Izanami is, you will understand me right now. The war is over and they surrendered to me, former ROOT Captain which makes it our jurisdiction, Hokage-sama. Otouto, would you please?’

‘Torune, Fu,’ Sasuke called and two ROOT operatives immediately appeared behind the two major enemies of the Shinobi Allied Forces and bound their movements with seals. ‘Where's our leader, Ni-san?’

Itachi proceeded to lay the body on the floor and then tossed a scroll to Tsunade who immediately felt the weight of said scroll--it felt like there was a heavy metaphorical boulder inside.

‘I regret to inform you all that,’ Itachi began and Tsunade yelled in disbelief. ‘Otsutsuki Hyuga Hikari had perished in battle from Shiki Fujin and Ura Shishou Fuuin to permanently seal his brother, the Kurozetsu so that he will not be manipulating the hatred of shinobi anymore.’

Hikari; CataclysmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora