Chapter 8

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I sat at Senpai's seat groaning for hours on end at my predicament. Shikaku-sama merely snickered at my expense saying that it's what I get for not listening to grownups. He should be the one standing in, not me. Still, I'd like to hope that I did a decent enough job. Woodworkers flooded in to help us rebuild Konoha, with me and Tenzou rotating out using our Mokuton Jutsu, the village might get rebuilt in no time at all. Reconstructing the hospital was the top priority as well as the ninja administration building. Missions are to be halted until the situation becomes more and more manageable. Sasuke had never left my side after he had found me being carried to the makeshift Hokage Office. It was near Senpai's tent, just in case. My recently returned friend still hadn't met the rest of our team yet. I wondered when he would be ready. Or maybe, he was ready but he was waiting for me to be there. Karin was shadowing Sasuke all the time I was absent but when she saw me, she immediately “attached” herself to me.

‘Hey, I can’t take any more of this, let's go out. My head is getting dizzier by the minute,’ I murmured in exhaustion and Sasuke grunted as the three of us went out of the office and went sightseeing.

I sensed that our whole team just finished meeting up with someone. I decided to barge into the conversation before they went their separate ways. I grabbed Sasuke's hand and took off running towards them whilst Karin held on for dear life on my other hand. We arrived in a cover of dust and all of them coughed up a lung due to it.

‘Express delivery for Konoha's team Kakashi,’ I proudly announced and an uninvited punch landed on my head with vengeance.

‘WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT RUNNING AROUND LIKE THIS?!’ Sakura yelled and I was pinned to the ground in another explosion of dust and debris.

‘What are you doing to my Hikari-kun, ya damn forehead?!’ Karin yelled at her holding out a fist.

‘What's that?! Wanna fight?!!’ She retorted thrusting a fist directly at Karin.

‘Sakura, easy there on the chakra punch,’ Sasuke said and she stopped immediately in shock before she burst towards the man and hugged him. ‘Hey, not too hard. When did you get all this strong?’

‘Sasuke…’ Naruto could only mumble.

‘Naruto, Sakura. I'm home. I'm sorry,’ he said.

‘You are an idiot for all this time,’ she gritted as she cried. Sasuke hugged her tightly.

‘You're back, teme?’ Naruto asked on the brink of tears.

‘Yeah, dobe,’ Sasuke smiled apologetically at Naruto.

‘You guys made a nice picture right now,’ Sensei said as he held onto his headband covering up his tears from us to see. Karin sat me up and dusted all of my dirt away.

‘Here, bite me,’ Karin said, blushed and my face immediately went red.

‘Oho... voyeurism!’ Kakashi-sensei exclaimed.

‘It's not, you hentai teacher!’ I yelled and all of us laughed together. Our reunion was interrupted by the arrival of the intel division.

‘Hokage-sama, the Raikage demanded an emergency meeting of the five Kage,’ the man said before he dismissed himself. In despair, I turned to look at my teammate. They didn't know it yet, that I was standing in for senpai.

‘Hokage-sama?!’ Sakura and Naruto yelled at me before they beat me up together.

‘Naruto-ouji! Forehead! Don't hit Hikari-kun!!’ Karin yelled before she too caught in the crossfire. When we're done, we'll all have to take a bite on Karin. Sucking her chakra can heal us better than the normal Mystic Palm technique.

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