Chapter 2

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The ray of sunshine was like a laser beam to my eyes when I was blissfully asleep next to Hitori. If it weren't because we had a date today, we would've slept in, today was one of the rare days for me since I was off duty that day. Unwillingly, I woke up from my sleep and brought my hand to wipe out any possible drool that I could have had from last night's sleep. Turned my head for a bit to see that my fiancé was soundly asleep and her whole body was emanating a soft glow as per usual. The room was pleasantly warm from her radiant body heat, a trait that I always admired of my Hitori. Remembering that she and Hinata worked hard last night, I stealthily made my way to the kitchen to cook her some breakfast. In the said kitchen, it was spotless as expected from my family, she and Hinata were an avid advocate of a clean workspace in the kitchen and thus I must be careful not to mess up their handiwork. Cooking wasn't my best forté but Hitori had taught me enough to get by even though she insisted that the task should fall for the woman of the house, an argument she lost for the first time since I sort of "devoured" her during the said argument. I chuckled at the memory as I took out my trusty flat cast iron skillet. I had decided to cook us some simple bacon and eggs for the morning since I had a feeling that our date today would be comprised of a lot of eating, a savory breakfast couldn't hurt our appetite, couldn't it? Like always, I became quite engrossed with the current task at hand that I had failed to notice Hitori that was behind me.

'Your cooking is getting a lot better nowadays, I wouldn't have to worry if I left you alone at home,' Hitori said before she hugged me from behind and snuggled into my back. I jumped a bit due to being too focused on not overcooking the bacon.

'Hitori? Don't jump me like that, I am trying to not burn the bacon,' I threatened jokingly as I tossed the green vegetables that I was also pan-frying in one go. Hitori just giggled excessively at my so-called threat.

'Hurry up, will you? I'm famished mentally and physically,' she said as she gave me a few small bites on my back. My breaths hitched and I tried to wiggle out of her grasp.

'Behave yourself or I would cancel our date today. Sit down on the table and let me feed you breakfast, woman,' I scolded her half heartily to which she obeyed with puff out cheeks looking like she was pouting. I plate her portion elegantly and garnished the dish with her favorite demiglace gravy that we usually ate with mashed potatoes. After grabbing a set of cutleries for this particular type of meal, I sat in front of her who was looking bored.

'Here, this is my appreciation of your hard work and putting up with me all these years. Say ah,' I breathed as I looked into her eyes and feed her the food. She couldn't help but blushed a little and took a bite of the spoon. That went on until she was fully stuffed and afterward I carried her to the bathroom to get ready for our date. For those of you who were curious, I bathed her meticulously and carefully as I strived to be as romantic as a depressed but grateful lover could be and stole a few rounds in the bathroom.

'That was the best morning gift ever! Thank you for that and I love you so damn much,' she said after we got ready for the day before giving me a peck on my lips while we hugged. She looked exquisite in her kimono. She had rocked an appearance similar to age with me and thus to me, she was the most beautiful woman in Konoha today. I risked a hard grope on her butt to which she gasped.

'Yes, luckily we didn't break the toilet due to that thing we tried just now,' I teased and her face went beet red. 'I would want more but we do have other plans.'

'Let's go and hurry back,' she clipped as she pulled me strutting towards our familiar dango shop. People greeted us every chance they got but Hitori wouldn't throw a fit anymore if she was holding me tightly as I am her bridge to the people of Konoha. None of the civilians knew my real job and thus I was happy to walk in bliss through the civilian district without somebody calling me sir or Director. Before long, we reached our dango shop and immediately sat down opposing one other whilst basking in each other's face.

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