Something Special

Start from the beginning

Tony turned to me looking hurt. Then his expression turned menacing. "Really? We just starting dating for two weeks and you cheat on me?! I should've known you weren't any different." He shot me a disgusted look and walked away.

During the whole time I did nothing except stand there frozen with my eyes widened. I wanted to chase after him but my feet wouldn't budge. I suddenly snapped out of it and mustered up my best glare and shot it at Drey. He looked taken aback before he sobered up and smirked. "I never knew you had a boyfriend."

"Not anymore." I said through gritted teeth. "Because of you." My fists were clenched at my sides and a glare was on my face that was directed toward him. I turned around and stormed out of the school.
I ran.

I ran till my legs gave out. I found that I was at the front of my house and sat on the porch to catch my breath. And then that's when the water works started. I cried and cried till I had no more tears left. I finally decided to wash up because my eyes probably looked puffy.

I took the spare key from underneath the mat at the front door and unlocked the door. I went straight to the bathroom. No one was home because my grandma went somewhere far away probably buying some groceries.

I couldn't understand why she had to go so far away when there was a grocery store that was pretty close to our house but oh well. I could never understand her strange ways.

I looked in the mirror and saw that my eyes were red and puffy. I washed my face and wiped my face with a towel. Some of the redness cleared up but otherwise if you took a look at me, you could probably tell I'd been crying.

After I finished cleaning up, I went up to my room. I was greeted by the usual light pink colored walls. A queen sized bed was pushed to the corner of my room and on the other side of it was a desk and my spinny chair.

I sighed and fell on my bead. I leaned my head back onto the headboard and closed my eyes.
I loved him. I knew now. It took a dramatic break up for me to realize but I knew. I loved Tony. And I was going to try to get him back if it was the last thing I did.

My eyes snapped open when I heard the ringtone of my phone signaling that I had a call. I grabbed my phone that I had lazily tossed onto my bed and answered the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" My voice was croaky because of the crying I did earlier.

"Hello? Hails?" Avery's voice sounded worried. "Where are you?"

"I'm at home."

There was a pause and I had to check to make sure she didn't hang up. Then she spoke. "Have you been crying?"

I was shocked. Was I really that obvious? "What? What are you talking about?"

"Your voice is croaky." I sighed in defeat.

"Yea I've been crying."

"Why?" Her voice sounded more worried. I took a look at the digital clock on my desk and saw that there was five more minutes left of school.

"I'll tell you when you get home." I assured her.


"Promise." I said with a small faint smile on my face. I hung up the phone and tossed it next to me on the bed and closed my eyes once again. I need rest after all the events that happened today.


Once I woke up from my much needed nap, I heard noises from downstairs. I took a look at the clock and it read 5 o'clock PM. So I've been sleeping for two hours. I heard a faint knock on my door.

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