Poor Dude

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~Chapter 12~ (NOT EDITED)

I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I dreaming? Am I hallucinating?

I stood there frozen while taking in the scene before me. My vision became foggy and everything around me was spinning.

I think I'm about to faint.

And I would've, if the sound of a loud grunt didn't snap me back to reality. My vision became more clear and everything stopped spinning. I pinched myself to make sure this wasn't a dream.

"Ow" I mutter under my breath. So this wasn't a dream. I rubbed the stop on my arm that I pinched and continued watching the scene that unfolded before me. I was still in shock.

The sight before me was a guy that I'm pretty sure looked exactly like Tyler fighting a burly man that was about a head taller than Tyler. The man had yellow teeth and looked like he was from a gang from the way he dressed. He had on everything black; black t-shirt that was ripped up in certain areas, ripped jeans, and black combat boots. His leather jacket was lying on the side. He probably took it off when he got too sweaty. Tyler was wearing a black tshirt, skinny jeans, and converse. That's odd... that's not what he usually wears. He would usually dress super nerdy. He would wear a dress shirt with a tie, some suspenders, and cordoroy pants. He wasn't even wearing his glasses! Tyler had a bruise on his jaw and looked sweaty. By the looks of it Tyler was winning because the man looked beat up and had blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

Tyler gave a final punch and the man was lying on the floor nursing his nose. I heard a crack so Tyler might've broke his nose. Poor dude.

I saw another man dressed in a white shirt, a leather jacket, skinny jeans, and combat boots walk over to Tyler and gave him a slap on the back and handed him some money. I furrowed my eyes in confusion... why did the man give him money?

I waited for Tyler to be alone until I approached him. He was leaning on the wall and by now the crowd had dispersed after congradulating him. I walked over to where he was leaning on the wall.

"Tyler?" I asked in disbelief. My eyes were wide and trained on his bruised eye. Thank goodness he only had a bruised eye and not something bloody like the man he took down.

His head snapped toward me and his eyes were widened in confusion. "What are you doing here?!" He demanded after he got over his shock and glared at me.

"I could ask you the same." my expression changed from worry to irritation. I glared back at him with equal force and crosssed my arms while tapping my foot waiting for his response.

"I asked you first." He smirked. There it is; his know it all attitude.

I sighed and gave in because I knew he wouldn't say anything until I did. "I thought I was being followed and there was no one home so I kept running and ended up here. Now why are you here?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"You were being followed?" He asked his facial expression turned into worry but was gone as soon as it came. He face regained his usual blank expression.

"Yea. Now tell me why you're here."

"It's a long story." He sighed and began walking away.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "I have time." as I said that my phone rang. I raised a finger up to tell him to not move. I answered the phone not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello." I asked with my eyes trained on Tyler to make sure he didn't leave.

"AVERY! WHY AREN'T YOU HOME YET?!" My grandma's voice boomed from the phone. I held my phone away from my ear.

"I'll be home soon. I uh had some work to do." I said looking at my shoes and kicked at the pebbles.

"You better or else I'll embarrass you."

"It's not like you already do." I grumbled sarcastically.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! See you later!" I said quickly and hung up the phone. I need answers from Tyler but when I looked up he was gone. Why that little... He took advantage of when I was looking away and he ran off.

I walked home and decided I was going to corner him at school and demand answers. I had so many questions that needed to be answered. Why was he fighting? Why did the man give him money? Why did he dress and act differently like he would at school? At school he was quiet, shy, and nerdy but here he was arrogant, badass, and loud.

I didn't get anything and everything didn't add up.

Once I got home I immediately went to the kitchen. I was starving. I took out a cookie from the cookie box and began munching on it while going to my room. So many unanswered questions.


Once I arrived at school, I immediately began looking for Tyler. I couldn't find him anywhere. I guess he was hiding from me so he wouldn't have to tell me about his reasons for being in the dark alley yesterday.

I finally spotted him walking in a crowd of people trying to blend in. People were giving him dirty looks and trying to push him out of their way.

Haha loser.

I approached him and dragged him to the empty janitor's closet. I pushed him in the closet with as much force as I had. I turned on the light and locked the door. I turned to him and he was glaring at me.

"Why you do that?" He demanded looking furious. I laughed at his fail chinese accent. Then I saw his blank face and sobered up. I put on a blank expression of my own and crossed my arms.

"You left me yesterday." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I need answers from him and I was going to get them.

"Yea so?"

"You never answered my question." I said. Just then the bell rang signaling we were late for class.

"I'm leaving or else I'll be late for class."

I blocked the door. "We're already late so let's skip. Mr. Baba said today were are doing interviews again so there's no point in going." I said.

He sighed in defeat and looked me straight in the eye. I held back the urge to cower away from his intense gaze. I stood up straighter and held my head high to show him I wasn't scared.

He glared at me. "I don't have to tell you anything." He said stubbornly.

I sighed irritatedly and glared back at him. "If you don't tell me I'll tell everyone that I saw you at the alley." I threatened. I'm not that mean but when I wanted answers I tend to threaten people.

"You have no proof," he sang childishly and smirked arrogantly. He is so not like his usual self.

I took out my phone and found what I needed to fulfill this threat. I had taken a picture a little after my vision cleared and I'm glad that I did.

His eyes widened and he glared at me harshly. "Do you really want to know?" He spat through gritted teeth.

I nodded not trusting my voice because of how scared I really was of him. My expression showed indifference but inside I felt like peeing my pants.

"Fine you want to know? I'll tell you everything."


CLIFFHANGER!! You shall find out his story in the next chapter. tehe. Hope you enjoy our new chapter!! What do you think his reason was? Could Avery's little discovery be a step to know the key to his past? Read more to find out! Sorry about short chapters like this one. In this book the most pages will probably be like three pages. Sorry. Bye!





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