Mission S.A.

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~Chapter 16~ (NOT EDITED)

By the end of the week, I had a total of ten letters in my secret pocket in my backpack. The amount of letters that were in my locker varied by day. Some days there were two letters and some days there were none. This person must be really sneaky to get away with putting notes in my locker without anyone noticing.

I've been doing a pretty good job avoiding Tyler, but I felt bad because I wasn't able to spend enough time with my boyfriend.

I opened my locker, expecting a new note to be inside. Thankfully, there wasn't a note yet. I was getting used to finding notes inside my locker but the message written in the note still freaked me out big time.

"Hey maybe we should hide out near your locker and see if we can spot the person putting notes in your locker." Danielle suggested. We were currently in my room sitting on my bed. Hailey was going to come join us later on because she went out on a date with Tony somewhere.

They were adorable together. He treated her right and made her happy. I felt happy for my sister because finally there was a guy who liked her just as much as she liked him, maybe even more.

"So why have you been avoiding Tyler?" I was taken aback by her question. Was it that noticeable?

"Uh? What do you mean?" I asked, faking that I didn't know anything about what she was talking about.

"Tyler told me you have been avoiding him lately." I sighed. There's no use in denying it now. Besides, I didn't want to lie to my best friend.

"Okay... I was avoiding him but only because I don't want him to get hurt by my secret admirer." I admitted, air quoting "secret admirer."

"Oh that's why..." I nodded.

"Can you please cover for me the next time he asks?" I asked hopefully. I gave her my puppy dog eyes for more effect. She rolled her eyes and groaned.

"Fine." My face immediately brightened and I gave her a bear hug.

After a while of stalking cute celebrities on the Internet, we heard Hailey open the front door. I went out into the hallway and shouted down the stairs "HAILEY! WE HAVE OUR MISSION S.A. PLAN!!"


I rolled my eyes and muttered, "hypocrite."

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Once Hailey got up the stairs, she was panting heavily. I watched her in amusement. Once she looked up at me and saw my amused face, she glared but quickly sobered up. "What's the plan?"

I brought her to my room and Danielle and I told her our plan to stakeout near my locker to watch if anyone puts anything in my locker.

"Are you sure it's going to work?" Hailey asked unsurely.

"Well, it's worth a shot." I explained. "We've got nothing to lose."

Hailey nodded. So the plan was set. We were going to get to school really early the next day and stakeout near the lockers. Today and tomorrow were free days at school but we had to stay on campus so it was a perfect opportunity to stakeout. I know. I know. Our school is so dysfunctional.


Once we got to school early the next day, we immediately started putting our plan into action. We made sure to hide ourselves well so that my "stalker" wouldn't see us. We tried many hiding spots but the best one was behind the door of the math classroom. Since no one was there that day, because the teachers had a day off, we were able to use the classrooms.

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