Lesson Twenty-Five: If You Can Skip Class, Do.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah.. think I'd rather slit my wrists than sit with Cole again." I joked. Cole must have told them my address. If he did, then he'll know who sent the letter! Oh, maybe I can ask him in Maths? But then, he didn't look out of sorts this morning, like he didn't appear to be hiding something so maybe not? Maybe he had told them drunk and forgotten?

Hmm... to be honest, Cole had always been a shit liar too. Or at least, he had to his mother if that counted for anything. I hadn't spoken to him enough recently to gage what his lying skills were like now.

"Will you? I mean, if you want we can just sit together and chill? Maybe eat outside behind the Sports Hall wall so that the dinner ladies won't catch us?"

I studied his face, he appeared sincere but then alone, what were we gonna talk about? Knowing me, I'd end up confessing everything or something! Perhaps I do need to tell him something though? I scoffed and shook my head mentally, I wasn't ready to tell him yet. He's gonna hate me. It's easier to just forget and move on. James wouldn't risk it either and nobody else in the school as far as I'm aware knows about what happened. If anyone asks, we kissed for a dare, it wasn't rocket science.

"Yeah we can do if you want? We should be able to sneak out some food fine." I replied. "We can go straight from maths if you want?"

He nodded his head, the smile on his face somehow getting wider. "I guess its best that we start walking to lesson now, huh? Before we get in trouble."

I glanced around me and chuckled when I noticed that apart from a few stragglers, the hallway was empty. Luckily we had Biology, otherwise we'd have been risking trouble and I didn't need any more of that!


"Still okay to sit behind sports hall just us two?" I asked in a whisper to avoid Holly who was still at her desk clearing up her things as we hovered around the entrance of the door waiting. We were leaving our bags in here (well, Matt was because I left mine at home) because it was our form room too so I had no idea what she was actually doing.

His face fell ashen, "Errrr... I invited the rest of the guys." He admitted in a sheepish tone. "Is... Is that okay?"

I gulped but managed, just, to keep my cool. I took a few breaths too just so that I didn't boil over in rage. He had only a couple of lessons ago said that it would just be both of us. How had he managed to invite everyone? I didn't want everyone there!

"Yeah of course, more the merrier." I lied.

"Sorry Bails, I didn't mean to I just mentioned it to Holly and she kind of invited herself."

"What you sorry for? You've done nothing wrong!" I protested and then stopped. He HAD done something wrong, he promised a dinner for just us two, why am I letting him get away with it? Can I even back out now?

"I feel like I have." He said.

"Hey Bailey! We eating outside then?" Holly interrupted as she bounced towards us. Her brown hair wrapped up in a bun at top of her head, her brown eyes flashing with happiness like they always did. I swear she didn't have any other emotions but joyful. It was infectious, usually, but in this instance I was a little peeved and it didn't seem to be shifting.

"Seems so." I replied, "Wanna eat inside though? Looks like it is gonna rain and I have to go and finish my English homework in the library so I'll only have ten minutes."

"Oh, Matt just said that you guys were eating behind the sports hall."

"Yeah, but I completely forgot." I fake laughed. "We'll still be able to have a catch up from the holidays. What did you get up to at Keiron's?" I winked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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