Lesson Four: Boys Are Cocky As Hell - Don't Forget It

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Picture of Holly (You will meet her more later on!)

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Picture of Holly (You will meet her more later on!)

Chapter Four

I got to twenty-five okay's. I shouted the word out before anyone else. And... then I got moved to the front of the class and away from Matt. It was however, totally worth it.

As we stepped out of the classroom, I smirked up at him. "Well, I thought it was going to take a lot longer than it did."

He laughed as he began walking down the stairs. "You are so bad!" He said it with a hint of awe rather than disgust which made me smile in pride. It was always good to make someone laugh, especially in that lesson. Christ, how am I going to survive the rest of the day if the first lesson on a Monday morning is that?

"So, what have we got next?" I wondered as I stuck his pen in my pocket discreetly. I would need this for the rest of the day.

"Maths." He smiled but when he saw my frown he burst out. "It's with Mr. Hughes so it isn't too bad!"

"Why you smiling?" I grimaced. "We had Biology and now we have Maths, nothing in that sentence is good."

"I like maths," he defended. "Plus Hughes is a good teacher. Very laid back."

Okay, so I had to give him that but still, it is bloody Maths. You can only jazz up the lesson so much before you want to blow your brains out. I can count, subtract, multiply and divide. Why do I need to learn anything else?

I rolled my eyes. "Are you going straight to lesson?"

His forehead creased and he appeared confused. Now I know he isn't stupid, he managed to answer all of the questions in the book before I got moved and he was picked on to answer questions out loud when nobody volunteered but something about him just appeared so innocent.

"How do you mean?" He finally replied.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "I mean, are we allowed to do a few rounds of the school before we have to go to next lesson?" I explained. Maths was literally at the end of the Science steps and we were let out early – I didn't want to be the first one there.

You looked like a total swot when you got there first and I wanted to be there as little as possible.

"Yeah sure," he beamed and I returned his smile. He was so handsome it was ridiculous. I just wanted to pinch his cheeks with his cute dimples. He was wearing the uniform but even he had his shirt untucked and his tie shorter than was deemed necessary. It was a good thing as well.

He was the Golden Boy – that much I could see - but he also had a funny side which is what I was attracted to. And of course his dimples, but he had a great sense of humour which was a relief.

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