Lesson Seven: You Should NEVER Abandon Your Kids

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Picture of Jenny :) 

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Picture of Jenny :) 

Chapter Seven

   "Who's fucking idea was it to put me in a classroom with Cole Turner?" I yelled as I slammed the front door behind me. I was fuming!

   "Will you stop slamming doors!" Jenny shouted from the front room as I stomped in and slumped onto her sofa. "And what did you say?" She asked, her voice more quiet. She was rubbing her forehead with her hand, a pained expression on her face. She must be having another headache - ever since she got preggers she had been having a lot of them.

   "Sorry." I muttered, flicking my hair behind my ear. "And I was complaining about the fact that I have Cole flipping Turner in every single lesson I have almost!" My voice coming out through gritted teeth as I said his stupid fucking name.

   I hated Cole Turner with every single fibre in my whole body. He knew what buttons to press and he did. He did it without batting an eyelid. It was one thing getting him detention but to actually mention my mother and to call her a whore is one step too fucking far. 

   There were not many rules when arguing but bringing up the other person' family was a no-go area and I believed that Cole stuck to that rule as well. His brothers were complete knob heads but I never brought them up in an argument.

   "What did he do now?" She asked as she got more comfortable on the sofa and grabbing the silver remote, flicking the TV on mute. She was watching Loose Women. Great. I was thankful she muted the stupid show now. Why did I want to listen to old women discussing menopause? Fuck that.

   "Everything." I grunted. "But the main one was that he started to call mum. I lost it. I was not having him calling my family because once he starts calling mum, what is to say that he won't call any of you lot?" I told her. "I hate his guts."

   "Is that why you walked out of History?" She asked, an eyebrow rose. She had a disappointed look on her face as well which made me feel a little guilty. When she was my age, she was looking after all of her younger siblings and she barely had time to have a social life and think about herself. School was also not much of an option. 

   The tricks and lies she used to tell the headteacher in order to not go were beyond amazing and I was not ashamed to say that I had used a few myself. It is astounding how they still work considering they were fifteen years old some of them. 

   When I talked about school with Jenny, she always got this distant look on her face because she missed out on a lot of it and here I am just throwing it away but to be fair, school was shit and I hated being there. If I could get away with not going, why should I? 

   I know I should buck my ideas up and actually try, especially with my GCSE's coming up but I just didn't care. The only reason I went into school in the first place was because Henry threatened to take everything I owned away and he would be on my back all of the time and believe me, it was not worth the hassle. It was easier to just go.

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