Chapter Eighteen

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Of course Simon bloody Snow lives in the cutest little flat, Baz thought as he entered. It was the cutest place he'd ever seen. The kitchen was small and littered in appliances and open cookbooks. The sitting area was small and cozy with a plush couch (covered in pillows) and bookshelves. It was like stepping into the universal meaning of home. Baz couldn't help but smile at the sight. 

"I'm gonna put these in water," Simon said, gesturing to the flowers in his basket. Baz nodded and watched as Simon wandered into the kitchen, fetched a vase from one of the cabinets, and filled it with water. Baz tore his eyes away from the beautiful boy to take a look at the bookshelves. As an avid reader, he wanted to see what Simon and his roommate to read. A lot of the books were very academic ones that he recognized from his father's collection or from his own classes. Since Simon didn't seem like the kind to read that sort of thing, he figured that they must've belonged to his roommate. The books like The Legend of Zelda, Harry Potter, Pumpkin Heads, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and The Little Book of Scones seemed more like Simon's reads. Baz ran his fingers along their spines, a slight smile creeping on his face. 

"Where do you think I should put 'em?" Simon asked. Baz turned and saw Simon holding the vase full of flowers in his hands. 

"Coffee table, maybe," Baz suggested. 

Simon hummed in agreement and set it down in the middle of the table. He put his hands on his hips and looked at the flowers for a moment before bending down to fix the arrangement. Baz saw this as an opportunity and walked over to the boy, wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. Simon, in return, let out the cutest little noise of surprise. It made Baz's heart melt right there and then. Simon stood, leaning back into Baz, and closed his eyes. Then Baz spun him around so they were facing each other like they had down on the street, but now Baz's hands were around his waist and Simon's settled on his shoulders, reaching around to the back of his neck. 

"Hi," Simon whispered, looking up into Baz's eyes. 


As if Simon couldn't stand being so far for even a moment, he reached up (standing on his toes, probably) and kissed Baz. It was soft at first, like he was unsure if he was allowed to kiss him. Baz wanted to tell him that he could kiss him as often as he'd like. Kiss him as much as he'd like. Instead, when Simon sheepishly pulled away to survey the damage, Baz cupped his hands around Simon's face and kissed him again.

It was a proper kiss this time. Simon hummed against his lips and pushed himself against Baz until Baz felt like he would fall over. Careful not to break the kiss, Baz lead Simon over to the couch. The two fell down on it, Baz underneath Simon, and kept kissing. Simon kissed him more, kissed him harder, and Baz was more than willing to cooperate. He opened his mouth and slipped his tongue inside of Simon's mouth which got him another hum of agreement from the blonde. Baz couldn't help but smile because, Crowley Snow made the cutest noises when they kissed

Just as Simon's hands managed to somehow slip under Baz's (previously tucked) shirt, the front door flew open. 

"Nicks and Slick, Simon," Penny murmured from the door. 

Simon, still panting and very red-faced, nearly leapt off of Baz and turned to face his roommate. She stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips and her eyes narrow. Baz pulled himself up, too, and wrapped his arm around Simon's waist. 

"Oh, hey, Pen," Simon said, tugging on his curls. 

Baz wanted to kiss him again. 

"Is this...?"

Simon nodded and stood, dragging Baz up with him. "This is Baz," he said triumphantly.

Penny waved and entered the flat, two bags in hand, closing the door behind her. "Nice to meet you, Baz." 

Baz nodded and extended his hand. She went over to him and shook his hand, staring at him. It looked like she was trying to see if he was good enough for Simon. Baz wanted to explain that he certainly was not, but he kept his mouth shut and smiled at her. 

"I'm Penny," she said. "Penelope Bunce. Simon's roommate and best friend." They pulled away from each other. 

Simon cleared his throat. "What a way to meet each other, huh? One for the books." 

Baz couldn't help but chuckle. "I do apologize that you walked in on that. If I had known that you were going to be here, perhaps I would have––"

Penny waved her hands in the air dismissively . "It's fine. I just wasn't expecting you to be here. If someone," she looked pointedly to Simon who blushed and lowered his head, "would just text me when they were...using the flat, I wouldn't have come back at all." 

"I didn't know he was gonna be here," Simon argued. 

Penny rolled her eyes. Baz liked her already. She seemed very determined and funny. "Yeah, making out is notoriously difficult to schedule."

Baz definitely liked her. "I did just sort of stop by without warning," Baz said. "I'm really sorry if I intruded on your evening."

"You didn't," Simon assured him, taking his hand. 

Penny looked back and forth at the two of them for a moment before she sighed. "Well, Basilton," she said, causing Baz to pale at the use of his full name, "you're lucky I got extra take-out."

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