Chapter Twenty-Five

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Monday's had always been a challenge to suffer through, but this Monday was worse than any other Monday that Baz had ever had the misfortune of experiencing. Not only did he have a full day of lessons, but he was also needed at the office until the evening. That meant no downtime, no time to do homework until he got home, and above (and worst of) all, it meant no Simon Snow. It was, he thought, completely and utterly ridiculous that he had already grown so attached to the clumsy, freckled barista. His mind was constantly filled with thoughts of his blue eyes, clusters of moles and freckles, and the feeling of his soft (and deliciously warm) lips. That previous Friday and Saturday had only solidified his feelings for Simon, and now he was practically drowning in them. He wondered if it would even be possible for him to get through a single day (a bloody Monday, no less) without feeling Simon's touch or hearing his voice. He could text in class when he was permitted to use his laptop, but it wasn't quite the same. Simon Snow's texts were positively riddled in spelling errors. It was less endearing when Baz couldn't understand what Simon had been attempting to say. 

He never thought he would find relief in going to the office, but the walk gave him the time to call Simon. (He would have liked to think that they were proper boyfriends now, but simply being "dating" was more than Baz could have ever hoped for, so he didn't want to push his luck.)

Simon picked up on the third ring. 

Baz smiled into his phone, realizing that he must have looked completely idiotic. Let them stare, he thought to himself as he trudged down the streets towards his father's eyesore of a building, they'll never know the joy of having Simon Snow in their lives

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Simon asked through the phone. 

"I'm on my way, actually. Good to know you listen when I talk to you. Really sharpening your skills, I see." 

"I listen," Simon argued. "I like seeing your lips move. And I like hearing your voice. It's a win-win, really." 

Surely the beating of Baz's heart was loud enough to make any passerby think that there was a marching band playing nearby. "I'm sorry I can't come round tonight."

"Me too." 

"I quite liked the idea of picking up where we left off, but of course my father has other plans for me tonight." It was a weak attempt at letting Simon know just how sorry he was for it.

"I already told you that it's fine, Baz. You're a very busy man."

"I wish I wasn't." 

Baz heard someone say something in the background of Simon's call, to which Simon faintly replied, "I'm fine with whatever, Pen. Just trying to have a chat with my boyfriend." 

Baz felt his face pale. His heart was racing faster now, which he didn't really think was possible. He doubted that Simon had meant for him to hear that, so he decided to brush it off. Best not to mention it, he thought to himself as he turned the corner towards the office, best just to let things be. Merlin knows that I don't need to push Simon into anything he's not comfortable with. But, on the other hand, it was Simon that called Baz his boyfriend, not the other way around. Maybe he thinks he's pushing me.  

"Sorry 'bout that," Simon said, returning his attention to the phone call. "Penny wanted to know what I wanted for dinner." He chuckled and it sent warmth shooting through Baz's body. "As if I care about bloody dinner when I'm talking to my boyfriend."

Now or never. "Snow––"

"Crap, sorry. I didn't's just a word, Baz. I don't have to use it if––"

"Simon," Baz said. Sure enough, Simon stopped babbling. "You gorgeous nightmare. I want you to use it. I want to be your boyfriend. I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to push you into anything you're uncomfortable with." 

He heard Simon sigh in relief. "I––I haven't been uncomfortable yet, have I? Not even on Friday night when we were kissing and you––"

Baz was outside the office building now. He didn't know if his father had cameras out there, but it seemed more than likely. "I'm outside the office now, Snow." 

"Oh, right. Well...let's just leave that for another time, yeah?"

"To be continued for certain. I'll talk to you when I get off work." 

He was about to hang up when he heard Simon say, "Good luck, boyfriend. I'll talk to you later." 

Baz allowed himself one more moment to stay in this bubble of pure bliss and happiness before he straightened his tie, readjusted his shoulders, set a stony look on his face, and opened the door. 

My Cup of Tea (snowbaz)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora