Chapter Thirteen

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Simon was incredibly flustered. He had kissed Baz and it had been good. He tried to remember if it had ever been like this with Agatha, back when they had dated for a brief time (he could hardly have called her his girlfriend, though) but this was better. Agatha had been more of some sort of fantasy built on this absurd idea he had of her before he knew her. Even after one date, Simon knew Baz better than he had known Agatha. He knew that Baz had this cool, collected act going on but that he was actually this perfectly sweet, sappy guy. 

"That was--"

"Wow." That was really all Simon could muster. "Was that... was that okay?" He wanted to make sure it was okay to kiss Baz. He hadn't really asked for permission or anything, but he didn't think he needed to. Baz had asked him out, after all. And Baz was the one who connected their hands so delicately on the walk over. 

"You kissed me, Snow." 

Simon rolled his eyes. "You called me Simon before." 

"In your dreams, Snow."

Baz placed his hand on Simon's head, the side where his hair started to curl uncontrollably. Simon closed his eyes. The feeling of Baz's hands on him made his stomach swirl in his stomach. It had never been like this with Agatha, even when they went out on that date. 

Baz kissed him softly on the lips and smiled at him. Simon decided that Baz's smile was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Better than scones, even (and scones were, in Simon's mind, perfection). 

"Goodnight, Snow." 

"G'night, Baz." He took a breath. He didn't want the night to end, really. Simon had to admit that he was tentative at first. He wasn't homophobic, but the thought of doing anything with another guy never seemed appealing. But now, standing in front of Baz, his lips still tingling and his heart still fluttering rapidly in his chest, he wondered why the thought of this never seemed right. It was now clear that this, being here with Baz, was exactly where he was supposed to be. 

"Wait, can I..."

Baz smiled a sly smile. It would have looked properly sinister if he didn't have that little twinkle in his eye; the twinkle that said he was kidding and that Simon, adorable little Simon, was making him go mad. Simon liked knowing that he had that kind of power

"Can you what?"

"I mean," Simon started. The words were unable to really form, so he cleared his throat and tried again. "Can we do this again?"

Baz chuckled. His laugh was deep and rich like a red velvet cake. But, at the same time, it was sweet like a scone. He was "an enigma," as Penny would have said. Simon frowned at the thought of going back into his flat and being forced to tell Penny about this. He didn't know what he would tell her. He couldn't very well tell her the truth because that would mean that he was gay and that Penny might treat him differently. How does someone react when their pseudo-brother peeks his head out of the closet that he didn't even know he was in?

Simon didn't want to find out. 

Baz's mobile rang, cutting through Simon's jumbled thoughts. Baz fished it out of his pocket, taking the small thing in his long, manicured hands. He rolled his eyes and shoved it back into his pocket. "I've got to dash," he said. He sounded sad, Simon decided. Simon was sad, too. 


"I'm going to text you," Baz declared. "And we're going to do this again, okay?"

Simon liked that. Very much. In fact, he didn't think he would be able to wait until "again:" he wanted "again" to be now. If Penny wasn't home, Simon would have invited Baz inside for a drink or something. He wondered what Baz's flat might be like. He pictured some grand, sleek place with a big piano in the corner and a fancy leather armchair in front of some sort of extravagant fireplace. Simon wondered if he would be able to see it sometime. 

"Okay," Simon said, breathlessly. "I...I'm looking forward to it."

Baz smiled, just a little one where the corner of his mouth was upturned slightly, and brushed his fingers through his hair. He was quite a bit taller than Simon, so he had to look down at him. Simon thought it was incredibly sexy, but he didn't want to say that. He figured that Baz had a bit of an ego (or maybe just pretended to have a big ego) and he didn't want to feed it that much on the first date. 

"Me too," Baz said. "I'll see you around, Snow."

He started to walk away, leaving Simon by the door of his building, laughing. "Simon!" 

Baz's silhouette flipped Simon the bird as he walked away. "In your dreams, Snow."

Simon couldn't walk up the stairs without tripping. His head was too filled with Baz

Baz. Merlin and Morgana, Simon thought as he started to use his key to unlock the door. That boy might be the end of me. 

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