Chapter Fourteen

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Baz hated to leave Simon so suddenly, but there was something about that boy that made him want to wait. He was, historically speaking, the one who pushed for things to move to the next level. He had never been good at waiting or at controlling himself when it came to relationships, but he felt like this was special. His heart was still racing as he got back to his flat, and all he could think of was Simon bloody  Snow. His lips, his eyes, his hair, and even the way his skin felt when he grazed his fingers at the dinner table.

Baz opened his laptop to try and deal with the presentation that Dev had sent him. Dev's presentation was the last thing from Baz's mind, and he was pissed that Dev had called him and cut his date short, but he knew he had to get this done. If he didn't focus on the presentation about Dev's newest business idea, he knew he would drive himself insane and think of Simon for hours on end. 

Simon. He couldn't help but smile when the thought of the boy popped back into his mind. It had been a long thirteen seconds of thinking about the presentation, so the blond boy's entrance into his train of thought seemed most appropriate and welcomed. He let himself think of their date, lingering over all of the details, for just a few more minutes before turning his attention back to his screen. Dev had joined the chat on the document, asking Baz what his thoughts were and why he hadn't come to get drinks at the pub with the other guys from uni. 

Baz rolled his eyes, trying to think of an excuse. He couldn't tell anyone at uni that he was gay, especially Dev and Niall, because it was all too possible that it might get back to his father. He replied with something about a date with a pretty girl to appease Dev. 

Dev asked if she was good. 

Baz decided that he needed a cigarette. He went out onto his little terrace and lit one. He let the smoke fill him up as he looked over the city stretched before him. He wondered if he could see Simon's (he wouldn't dare let him know that he called him Simon in his head) flat from up here. He tried for a moment before deciding that Simon's building was too small and obscure for him to see from his terrace. Even though he had a considerable height advantage here with the penthouse and all, he knew that finding Simon's flat was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. 

His mobile buzzed again in his pocket, and for a brief moment, he thought it might be Simon calling to say a proper goodnight or something. He dug it out and found that it was Dev. He sighed and answered it. 

He took a deep breath before putting up to his ear. He had to get in character.

"What?" he snapped.

"Woah, someone's a little cranky," Dev said.

"I'm always cranky," he replied. "What do you want?"

"You left the chat on the document. Your name disappeared. I really need your help, Tyrannus. I'm going to fail if you don't help me edit my presentation."

He hated the sound of his real name, but it was just another part of his act. The name Baz was too soft for uni and the office. He needed a name that commanded fear and attention. Tyrannus, while nauseating, was the best he could do. "It may alarm you to know this, but I really do have more important things to be doing than wasting my time looking at your incredibly mind-numbing presentation for a class you're already failing."

He took another drag as Dev replied. "Oh, I see. She's still there, isn't she?" 


"Your date."

"Yeah, she is. We're going to have incredibly wild sex all night long." He wondered if Dev could hear the sarcasm dripping out of his voice or if this was simply something Tyrannus would say and be completely serious about. Sometimes he forgot how to play this part. 

"Wicked," Dev laughed. "I'll just ask someone else then, but you need to give me all the dirty details tomorrow."

Baz rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Ta." 

He hung up before his imbecilic friend could say anything else. He slid his mobile back into his pocket and leaned against the cold, metallic railing of his terrace. He took another drag and watched the smoke leave his mouth and curl up into the cold London air. He needed to change out of his suit soon, he realized. He wanted to keep it nice. He also realized that it had been stupid of him to smoke while wearing it because it would probably reek of cigarettes, and that was a whole can of worms that he didn't want to open. 

Smoking was his private indulgence, and he certainly had a lot of those, recently. 

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