Chapter Eight

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Baz spent most of the day feeling incredibly nervous for his date with Simon. He couldn't sit through any of his classes, he couldn't eat, and he especially couldn't focus at work. He kept wondering what he should wear, what he should do with his hair, and if he should get Simon flowers. He already had one surprise in store for him, but was it enough? It was hard enough for Baz to not be nervous because of his strong feelings for Simon, but he had the added pressure of being Simon's first gay date. Simon had never been out with a boy before and Baz couldn't help but wonder if Simon would get to the restaurant and decide that everything was wrong. 

When Baz got home that evening, he spent three hours trying to get ready for his date. He took a shower and used his best soap. He made sure to wash his hair twice and use that special, scented conditioner that added an extra bit of shine to his dark hair. He made sure to use his most expensive deodorant, the one that smelled extra masculine, and to clip his nails. He wanted to look utterly gorgeous for his dear Simon. He wanted to make sure that Simon didn't have a single reason to say no to him tonight. In all honesty, Baz wasn't sure what he would do if Simon decided he wasn't interested. 

After he had showered and gotten his hair ready, Baz decided that it was time to face the closet. He always hated this part: the whole getting dressed thing. He had a million choices to choose from but somehow everything always seemed wrong. It was like everything suddenly looked ugly even though he could have sworn he made all the right choices when he picked them out at the shop. He never really cared what he wore to work or to class, but he always overthought his outfits when he had a date. Not that he went out on dates much, since he was so terrified that his father would somehow find out, but he always found himself feeling very anxious when he had one. Something told him that he had to make this date especially good. It was like there was something inside of him telling him he couldn't mess this up because Simon could really be the one. 

Baz decided that it might be a good idea to ask his Aunt Fiona for advice. She had always been very accepting of him and understood the anxiety he felt when he went on dates. He knew that she would help him calm down and understand that, in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn't really matter and everything would work out. 

He got dressed into one of his nice, navy blue blazers and sent her a picture. He waited anxiously for her response. Thankfully she replied almost instantly.

Not my favorite look for a hot date.

Baz rolled his eyes and took it off. He wandered back into the closet and found a seersucker suit that he thought might work. It had never been his favorite but it certainly made a statement. He snapped a picture and sent it to Aunt Fiona. 

Better, but not perfect. If you want to make an impression, maybe try the floral one ;)

Baz sighed and went back into his closet to find the floral suit. He had never worn it because it was so stunningly vibrant. He had never had an appropriate chance to wear it, but this seemed as good a time as any. He found the suit, which was still in its bag from the shop, and tried it on. He had to admit that he looked pretty fantastic in it. The bright colors of the suit drew a bold contrast to his pale skin and dark hair. He sent Fiona a picture. 

It took her less than two seconds to agree that this was the suit for the big date. 

Baz looked at himself in the mirror and decided that any man, even Simon bloody Snow, who didn't want him after seeing him in his suit was not worth his time. 

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