Ant began to panic as he paced back and forth with his hands on face as tears began to stream down his own face. "What the fuck man? How?? Where the fuck is Kyra!" He yelled punching a wall. "She a fucking kid man." He shook his head. "I'm not built for this kind of shit!"

"Just fucking help!" I yelled out in frustration clutching Mira to my chest afraid this could be the last time I could hold her.

Ant took Mira from my arms laying her back onto the bed attempting to do his own CPR. I couldn't handle seeing her precious face so lifeless. Running out the room I was lucky enough to make it to our guest bathroom where I began to throw up all that was left on my stomach. When I was done I balled up in the corner of the door as I began cry loudly as if I was all alone which I oh so felt like.

I shortly heard Anthony outside the bathroom door on the phone. "You dropped her off right? You sure both her and Mira came in together bro?" It went silent for a minute.

"Maaan, because Mira fucking dead dawg." His voice cracked. "What the fuck you mean what I'm gone do? I can't have this shit on my hands. I gotta bury her myself." He sniffled. "Just try finding Kyra man, this bitch got some explaining to do. She left the window open and her shirt was hanging on the branch of the bush nearby."

"Aaight, I'm gone fuck with you. Let me know anything you hear. Bet." I heard the click of Anthony's flip hitting the other end of the phone

I began to hear the sound of his footsteps as the old floorboards creaked. Those footsteps were now nearing in my direction as they grew closer. I felt my heart racing a mile a minute. It felt like it would fall out of my chest at any second. At this point I was standing up pacing the floor of the bathroom and my sadness had now turned into rage. Bury her? Himself? I was seeing red and I would explode at any second. The twist of the knob I anticipated had arrived.

"Sugar, you o-"

"You son of a bitch!" With all my strength and pain I felt from within me I sent a hard smack across Anthony's face drawing blood from his bottom lip. He scoffed laughing lightly as he shook his head.

"I understand you hurt and all" Ant began.

"Don't you even start with me pussy!" I screamed as I pushed him back making him stumble a bit from catching him off guard.

"Bury her! You gone bury who bitch?!" I swung on him again catching him in the jaw. This time he grabbed me forcefully slamming me against the wall. I struggled to break from free his grip but he had me pinned.

"I'm gone you tell this shit once! Keep yo fucking hands off me before I hurt you foreal. I ain't trying to do that shit Sugar. Especially at a fucking time like this." My chest heaved up and down as he stared me in my eyes holding me hostage against the wall. All I wanted to do was kill him right now. What kind of a human wouldn't call the cops?

"You could've saved her! You're just gonna bury her like she's nothing! You piece of shit!" I spat as the tears flowed freely from my eyes and snot trickled to my lip. I didn't care how I appeared. I just wanted my daughter and to call the cops.

"I already got the laws against me from when Kyra pressed charges on me from whooping on her. Now you want me to call them and tell them my ass got her dead fucking baby! How the fuck is that going to look Sugar? You think I wanna do this shit!?" He yelled into my face making his vain appear in his forehead.

"You knew she had postpartum Ant! You fucking knew!" I balled. "I told you to get Kyra help! We could've saved her!" I yelled back and the hard look on his face softened. "Yeah that's fucking right. You could've prevented this but yet you're gonna bury this issue too like it never happened."

"Sugar, you don't mean that shit. You don't think this my fault"

"I fucking do." I said harshly. "Let me the fuck gooo!!!" Shaking my body as hard as I could to break free I began to kick Ant and yell as loud as possible as he finally gave up his fight to hold me down any longer.

I stormed into the living room not able to face Mira again in my room. I was lucky enough to have bought myself two bags of clothes today since Ant had forced me. Those two bags and my purse was all I needed to go far away from here as possible.

"Where the fuck you think you going?" Ant followed behind me.

"None of your fucking business!" I yelled storming towards the front door unlocking it.

"You can't leave me Sugar!" He yelled out grabbing ahold of my shoulder before I walked out.

"I swear to God Anthony if you dare fucking touch me or even have me followed I'll scream murder. Why the fuck do you care if I leave now? Huh?" I asked between sobs. How could he even expect me to sleep here tonight? Things will never be normal again.

He hesitated to answer and I knew I had gave him far too much time already. Walking out the door he stopped me again, "Because I love you!" He yelled causing my feet to stop in their tracks.

"You know what, I thought I started to love you too. Yet, you're just the person Amir said you was. Bye Ant." I left Ant standing at the doorway as I walked away.

My eyes felt puffy and I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. I didn't know where I was going. How to think. How to feel. How to breathe. I just needed to go. I was going to go as far as my feet would take me.

I closed my eyes realizing that I mentioned Amir's name. Going under the bridge I cried my eyes out. My daughter? My Mira? My sweet baby? My heart was broke and my body was numb.

Something in me snapped and Im not sure if that was good for me or anyone around. I wanted Kyra dead. And I'd be the one to do it.

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