Chapter 9

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The next day I woke for once not feeling miserable. I felt refreshed and ready to face the day. I think I finally came to terms with everything, I was ok now. 

It was cold out today, as it was approaching winter. I went for a quick shower and then changed into a white cowl neck tunic sweater and dark blue skinny jeans.I put chesnut brown fur lined ankle boots and blow dried my hair, leaving my curls hang naturally. Hmm, maybe I should do something with my hair? I've had it in the same style for the last few years, maybe I should change it up a bit? 

(outfit in external link)

I made a mental note to book an appoinment for the hairdressers and slipped on some jewellery. I grabbed a white and brown bag and put the books I needed into it. I took my black pea coat out of my closet, as it was super cold today. I went downstairs and placed my bag by the door, heading to the kitchen, only to find Dad sitting at the kitchen table. 

"Morning Bells", He said.

"Morning Dad, why aren't you at work?",I asked.

"I have the day off, I'm going fishing later but I'll be back around 3", He said as I placed two slices of bread in the toaster. 

"Ok, well I might get my hair done after school, if I can get  an appointment. Oh, was there anything in the mail for me?", I asked, referring to the recommendation from my former ballet teacher.  

"Oh yeah, this was for you", He said handing me a brown manilla envelope from under the newspaper. "If you don't mind me asking, what is it?"

Once my toast popped I buttered it and sat down as I replied.

"It's just a recommendation from my old ballet teacher in Phoenix. I need it for my application." I said, while opening the envelope. "I'll have to take it in after school"

 "Sure, and I'll order take away tonight so there's no need to cook. Is pizza good?"

"Yup, that's fine, well I better get going, don't wanna be late!", I said standing up  and putting on my jacket. 

"Bye Dad!", I called grabbing my bag.

"Bye Bells", I heard him say before I shut the door. 

I got into my car, throwing my bag and my recommendation into the passenger seat. 

I started up the car and headed to school, Once I got there, I parked near the door, but didn't get out. I took the.envelope and opened it to check everything was there. My old ballet teacher had also included a letter giving me tips and reccomendations on how to teach the class. Then I pulled out my phone and googled the nearest hairdressers I got the number and rang them, so I could get an appointment.

"Hello,Hattie's Hair Salon, how may I help you?", A chirpy voice answered. 

"Hello, My name is Bella Swan. I was wondering if you could fit me in later today, maybe around four?"

"I have a free appointment at four on the dot!", The overly joyful women said down the phone.

"That's perfect, thank you", I said.

"Have a nice day!", She chirped again before hanging up.

I had an idea of what I wanted to do with my hair, it would be a nice change.

I took my bag and got out of the car, locking it behind me. I spotted Mike across the lot and groaned out loud. I did my best to avoid him, and succeeded. For now.


During the day I avoided Mike, and confirmed my shopping plans with Jessica and Angela for tomorrow. Other then that, It was a pretty boring day.

New Moon - A different BellaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ