Chapter 17

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I was released the next day with no complications, thankfully, Charlie had to work so I was home alone all day. 

When I got home I went for a shower and changed into pink capri sweatpants, a black tank top with a pink heart with the word PINK written in black in it, a white zippie, white socks and black and pink DC court shoes.  

I threw my hair into a ponytail with a black bow and added simple jewelery. I decided to go casual for the day, I mean I wasn't planning on going anywhere or seeing anyone so I might as well be as comfortable as possible. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and pink lipgloss.

I planned on taking it easy and relaxing all day, that was until an unexpected visitor showed up.

I decided to do a bit of cleaning up, since I had nothing else to do. I was dusting the sitting room when the door bell rang. I frowned, wondering who it could be, I wasn't expecting anyone?

I walked out into the hall and opened the door to the last person I was expecting to see. 


"E-Esme?", I choked out in surprise. Her pale face lit up into a sweet, motherly smile as she saw me.

"OH Bella I missed you so much", She sobbed, throwing her arms around me and dry  sobbing into my shoulder.

I was stunned for a minute before wrapping my arms around her. 

"I missed you too, Mom", I whispered. She sobbed harder and I gently patted her back in comfort, Before they left, I had gotten into the habit of calling Esme Mom. She was like a second mother to me, and if I'm brutally honest she's more of a mom to me than my actual mother. My mom was like a child, I looked after her more than she looked after me most of the time, but I loved her none-the-less. 

Esme was the only one I didn't blame for leaving. Esme only left because Carlisle did, but I kind of guessed moving was Edward's idea. 

I was mad at Alice and the others for leaving without a goodbye. Esme was too sweet to be mad at. 

I invited her inside and she continued to sob in my arms as we sat on the couch.

"Bella, I-I'm so, so sorry! I didn't want to leave you, your like a daughter to me! I missed you so much!", She sobbed.

"Ssshh Esme, It's ok, I know you didn't leave me willingly", I soothed.

"No I didn't! Edward was so stupid and stubborn! He thought by leaving you, he would be protecting you", She said, calming down a little, but still emotional. 

I scoffed. "Sorry Esme, but he left because he doesn't love me anymore, in fact I think he hates me. He told me so himself", I said nonchalantly.

She gasped, her eyes widening in surprise. "He actually said that to you?"

"Yeah, right before he left me alone in the woods", I said sourly.

She shook her head, still shocked."No, no, no, Bella, that's not true. He left because he loves you, not because he hates you! You were in constant danger around us, he didn't want you to get hurt"

I took in what Esme was saying, not sure whether or not to believe her. It did make sense, but he looked at me with such intense hate, it couldn't be true. 

Maybe, just maybe... the hate he felt was towards himself for leaving me?

Ugh, it was hurting my head to even think about it. I'd have to hear it from him to believe it.

"I don't know Esme. I really don't know", I said shaking my head.

"How dare he lie to you like that, he's causing so much trouble and pain. I thought he knew better, but you know what they say, love clouds all judgement", She said sighing.

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