Chapter 16

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I woke up to a beeping that was becoming depressingly familiar. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, feeling groggy. Great, I was in hospital. Again. 

"BELLA! YOUR OKAY!", A shrill voice screamed, making my ears ring and my head throb.

I blinked and looked around to find Alice sitting on a chair beside the bed. I stared at her flatly 

"Why are you here?", I said bluntly. 

"I... I wanted to make sure you were okay", She said quietly, her eyes were wide with hurt.

"Well, now you see that I am, you can leave", I said staring straight ahead of me, lying back on the pillows. My face and voice held no emotion. 

She watched me for a second before standing up. 

"As you wish", She stated, standing up and walking to the door. She paused for a moment, waiting to see would I change my mind before sighing and walking out. 

I took a deep breath calming myself. The anger I felt towards her and the others was strong, I had to suppress it to stop myself from lashing out. I let calm flow through me, relaxing my tense muscles. 

I wondered where Charlie was, wait, how did I get here in the first place?

My head was pounding, and my stomach didn't feel too great either. I pushed the call button and waited a few minutes before a doctor with black hair and glasses arrived, accompanied by a kind looking nurse. 

"Hello  Bella, you took quite a fall. Do you remember what happened?", The young doctor asked as the nurse checked my vitals.

"Well, I remember getting home, and then Alice left and... I think I fainted", I said not completely sure what happened after Alice left. The last thing I remember is  thinking about my brother.

The nurse left after whispering something to the doctor, to which he  replied with a nod.

"Ok... have you been under a lot of stress or pressure lately?", He asked while scribbling down on his chart.

"Kind of, well, yeah I suppose", I said awkwardly, not really sure how the question had any relevance to why I'm now in hospital.

"Right, well you hit your head when you fainted and since you already had a mild concussion it was pretty serious, and that's why you were out for over 30 hours", He said while continuing to study the chart. I swear he hasn't made eye contact since he walked into the room.

"30 hours! That means its Monday! Aw no, I can't really afford to miss more school", I groaned sinking lower into the bed.

"Unfortunately you'll have to stay overnight but you should be back at school by Wednesday", He replied, finally looking at me. I don't think I like this doctor.

"Your friend mentioned you've been having mood swings lately as well. Is it true?", He asked staring right at me now.

"I didn't take any notice, but now that you say it I guess so...", I said shifting uncomfortably. Alice was right, one minute I would be fine, the next I'd either be crying or lashing out.

But I still don't understand why this matters! This doctor was weird, at first he wouldn't look at me then he stared at me like he was trying to steal my soul! 

He scribbled something else down and nodded to himself.

"Where's my dad?", I asked, finding it unusual he wasn't here.

"He's at work at the moment but he said to tell you if you wake up he would be over once he's finished", the doctor replied, once again staring at his chart. Wow, was he rude or what? My mom always told me to look at people when you speak to them or when they speak to you, just out of common courtesy. 

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