Chapter 28

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Friday came around and it was finally time for me to visit my mom and Brax. 

The fuss at school finally died down now that everyone knew me and Edward were back together. Charlie wasn't over joyed with the idea, far from it actually, but I think deep down, way way down, he's happy that I'm happy. I hope. 

(Flying outfit in external link)

Alice had surprised me with a Louis Vuitton suitcase, saying I had to travel in style. I told her it wasn't necessary but she was actually hurt that I said that so I took it, knowing it would hurt her feelings if I didn't.

Charlie drove me to the airport, after Edward called to the house to say goodbye. I would miss him, but It was only a weekend. I was coming home Sunday evening so I wouldn't miss any more school. 

My flight left at seven , and since it was a two and a half hour flight, plus a thirty minute drive to my old house, I wouldn't get there until after ten. My mom was picking me up at the airport and she sounded so excited on the phone, I was almost dreading seeing her. I mean, I loved her and all but she can be a little overbearing at times. This will be one of those times. 

I got to the airport an our before my flight, just to be safe and since Phil insisted I fly first class I hung out in the VIP lounge for a bit before boarding the plane. 

I loved flying, especially when it's first class. I was greeted by a smiling air hostess and was given a class of champagne. 

I didn't really like champagne, but it made me feel posh to drink it. I grinned to myself as I sat down in my assigned seat by the window.  No one sat beside and i was happy i wouldn't have to make small talk with anyone.

It was a reasonably short, easy flight and I had my current book with me to keep me occupied. I was reading the The Hunger games series, and the books are simply amazing. 

I treated myself to some chocolate during the flight and had a second glass of champagne towards the end of the flight because I was always scared of the landing. I always thought it was the worst part. 

Thankfully, the turbulence was short, and the landing was smooth so overall I had a great flight. 

After collecting my suitcase I searched for my mom with no luck. Standing in the middle of the terminal I took out my phone and was dialing her number when I was grabbed by a familiar pair of arms.

"Bella!", My mom squealed. 

"Mom!", I said back, returning the hug. 

She pulled away and placed her hands on my face. 

"Oh baby I missed you so much!", She said pushing my cheeks together. 

"OK mom, we're still in public", I said, trying not to laugh. 

"I know, I just get sad, thinking about how far away we are from each each day and now it feels great to have you beside me", She said, her voice breaking up at the end. I could see the tears shining in her eyes, and I felt bad that I hadn't made the effort to see her before now. 

"Don't cry mom, I'm sorry, I should've planned this trip ages ago", I said. 

"It's not your fault, we've both been busy", She assured me. 

"I still should have come before, to see you and... and Brax", I stuttered, knowing my mom didn't like talking about him as it upset her. 

"It's alright sweetheart, your here now", She smiled, rubbing my arm. 

With that, we made our way to the car and drove to my old home. 

It was strange to see the house again, but it was almost comforting at the same time. It's hard to explain.

New Moon - A different Bellaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें