Chapter 27

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After handing the teacher my note, I took my seat at the opposite side of the class to Edward. At the moment we were studying theory but Mrs. Buckley soon announced we had to do a new assignment.

She explained we had until Christmas to finish it and it would have to be done in pairs. Pairs. I hate pairs. I also hate pears, but that's not relevant.

"Ok class, I have the list already made up so no arguing",  She said and started listing off names.

Then she got to me. 

"Bella, you can be with Edward", I froze, and stared with her wide eyes but she took no notice and continued. The class fell silent as they took in the tension and awkwardness in the classroom. Edward slowly stood up and walked over to join my at my table. He seemed pretty pleased, but didn't say a word. 

"Alright", Mrs.Buckley said once we were all paired,"Your assignment is to learn a song. You can sing, play instrument, rap, I don't mind once both people are involved. You can work on it in class but you will need to put in effort outside school. You will perform in front of the class during the last week before the holidays and it will take about three full classes to go through all of you. This contributes to 25% of your final grade so it is very, very important. You may begin now"

The class began to buss with low discussion's but me an Edward sat in silence, neither of us knowing what to say. 

"Well, I suppose we have no choice but to do this", He said, leaning back in his chair watching me. 

I turned my head towards him narrowing my eyes, "I know your loving this", I said.  

"I am", He smirked, "You have no choice but to talk to me now".

I sighed heavily. He leaned forward again and spoke lower so no one can hear,

"I know you miss me, you can't help it. We have a bond that lasts forever. You just don't want to miss me and I can understand that. I lost you trust, but I can regain it. I won't stop until I do", He said, his voice full of emotion. 

I looked away but my eyes were drawn back to him. " Your right", I said, there was no point in denying him. " You did loose my trust, and you really hurt me Edward, a lot"

"I am so unbelievably sorry for that Bella, I regret leaving you. I honestly taught I was protecting you, but I was wrong to think that. I love you Bella, and I know you love me too", He spoke with pain coating his words. 

I stayed silent, not denying nor confirming anything. 

"Just tell me this", He said, "Is there a chance for us to get back together"

I didn't reply at first, not sure what to say, "I-I don't know" I said, not looking at him, "You really hurt me, and I don't know if I can forgive that"

"I understand. I guess we should start by choosing a song..."

Before the end of class we decided on a song, and that Edward would play piano while I sang. He told me Alice mentioned I had a good voice and he insisted I sing for the project so I agreed to avoid any arguments. 

I couldn't get out of the classroom fast enough when I heard the shrill ringing of the final bell. Jessica is in my music class and I was sure there was a grilling in store for me the next time we cross paths. 

Thankfully I got to my car without talking to anyone but I could still feel people staring at me. I guess my and Edward being partners had sparked even more interest in me. 

I thought I safe when Alice appeared at my side. 

"I saw everything", She said, her eyes wide. 

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