Chapter 26

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I drove home fuming, but anger wasn't the only emotion coursing through me. 

Pain, Irritation, Frustration, Sadness. All ugly emotions... but I couldn't deny the underlying tone of happiness at the fact he was back. His face, eyes, voice brought back a lot of memories, some sad but most happy. 

He made me happy. My love for him came rushing back the moment I saw him. The love i had tried to ignore, forget, burn and bury. 

I sighed as I pulled into the driveway, tears welling up in my eyes. I felt so many different, contrasting emotions running through my mind, and I just couldn't handle it. I burst into tears, still sitting in my car.

After crying for a few minutes, I got a fright when I heard a soft knock on my window. My head snapped up and I quickly wiped at my eyes to get rid of the tears. 

To my surprise, it was Jacob. I quickly stepped out of the car and tried my best smile.

"H-hey, Jake", I said shakily. 

"Um, Hi Bella, are you ok?", He asked, looking at me apprehensively. 

I looked at him flatly, before he continued, "Sorry, stupid question"

I sighed, "Sorry Jake, it's just.... forget it.", I said shaking my head.

"Do you want to come in?", I asked and began to wonder why he was here. 

"Sure", He smiled and I led him into the house. 

"Well, My dad isn't here, he went fishing and I don't know when he'll be home", I said, walking into the kitchen. 

"Oh right, My dad sent me over here to pick up some stuff Charlie got for him when he was out of town", Jake explained scratching the back of his head.

I watched his muscle's flex, I swear he was getting buffer each time I see him. 

I snapped out of it and nodded quickly, "Oh yeah, I'll just get it upstairs".

I remembered Charlie saying the bag was in his room on his dresser. 

Retrieving the bag, I ran back downstairs and handed Jacob the bag.

"Thanks Bella, and... about earlier.... if you want to talk, I'm always here to listen", He smiled.

"Thanks, that means a lot", I smiled back, and paused," You remember  how I was dating Edward Cullen.."

He nodded and tensed up, I almost forgot Jacob was supposedly a werewolf and was mortal enemies with the Cullens. I wasn't sure whether or not to believe that, but I guess I don't have much reason to doubt Alice...

"He's back in town and it just brought back a lot of memories", I explained.

"I understand", He said sympathetically. "I have to go, dad's waiting for me, but if you ever need to talk, I'm just a call away".

"Thanks Jake", I smiled.


Later that evening I was sat on the couch, curled up in a warm blanket watching The Notebook. A sad, typical choice of movie but sue me, I love that film. 

When Charlie came home, It was just beginning to rain. It started off pretty light but soon turned into downpour.

"Hey Bells", Dad said sitting down beside me. 

I turned down the tv and turned towards him, "Hey dad".

"So... Esme rang me earlier and explained what's going on, He has some nerve.....", Charlie trailed. 

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