jIn JiN jIN JIn Jin JIN

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Jin was getting ready for the special appearance he had in Tokyo for the Tekken fans. Already in his devil form, a smirk was plastered on his face when he heard the fans scream as the announcer called his name.

Then one spikey haired bo-MAN appeared.

"Hey yo kids it's me, your friendly neighborhood demon-" Kazuya was saying, before Jin appeared and punched him in the groin.

"Ugh, shut up dad, like you would understand me." Devil Jin said coldly as his third eye glared at the man.

"Anyways," the boy dictator started. "What's up guys, it's me, your boi, Jin Kazama from Tek-"

Suddenly the screams stopped. Jin looked around, confused.

"..Ken." He finished as the only thing that can be heard would be a fan choking on their hotdog.

"Uhm, hooray..?" He awkwardly stated as the fans looked at him blankly.

"God; you're an embarrassment, boy." Heihachi stated, in the audience with popcorn in his beard.


One fan rolled their eyes. "Lol, is this suppose to be a joke?" She hissed as the audience began to follow along.

"Lmao what even is this."

"Jesus, that guy on stage is giving me second-hand embarrassment."

"Jenny, you're blind."

"Exactly, it's that embarrassing."

"Lololol this guy really has three eyes? Come on, we all have four. Goddamn amateur."

"Mom, can you pick me up? I'm scared."


"Who the hell is that."


"OKAY, WHAT THE HELL, GUYS!?" Jin exclaimed, ad the crowd silenced. "DON'T YOU GUYS WANT TO SEE ME?" He shouted.

"Shut up demon! yoU'RE NOT OUR JIN!" A twelve year old boy shouted from his wheel chair.

"YEAH!" His anti-vaxx mom shouted, about to speak to the manager.

"NOT OUR JIN! NOT OUR JIN! NOT OUR JIN!" The crowd chanted.

"WHAT THE EFFING EFF DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?! I AM JIN FOR GOD'S SAKE, JIN FUXKING KAZAMA!" The asshole shouted, lasers bursting out of his third eye.

"Lmao, we didn't come for Jin Kazama, we came for Kim Seok-Jin." Kyle said with his Monster cans.

Jin sighed. "Who the fuck is that-"

Everyone points to this god-like angel.

"Hey." Seok-jin winks as the audience goes wild.

Jin Kazama stood, baffled. "Oh, yeah, well, I bet he'll lose when I battle his beautiful ass." Jin blushed.

"Win, lose, I don't care." Seok-jin, out of no where, had a microphone in his hands. "Because at the end of the day, I still have this face; so who's the real winner here?" Seok-jin smirked in Korean as his fangirls and my Nana squeal.

".. I think I gotta change my sexuality." Jin said.


Lmao, idk what I just wrote but it's Halloween and if this gave u nightmares then I did my job perfectly.

Next up, Xiayou falls in love with her sister panda and we might as well make Bob be a body-positive feminist who uses essential oils.


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