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So basically just imagine it like this.

Let's say my name is M.

There's this guy— let's call him E.

Now, E is a very caring, loving and tender guy. He's also M's boyfriend. They love each other very very much.

But E has a secret.

E is a little obsessive— scratch that, HE IS VERY OBSESSIVE OVER M. In fact, he's willing to kill for M. That's how much.

But M doesn't know it. All M sees is her warm, caring and sweet boyfriend.

Enter Y. Y is a chill and smart guy, with a sense of justice. But he's kind of a dunce when it comes to enforcing justice.

After a series of unfortunate tragedies, Y suspects M had something to do with them. However, he soon realizes that's M is completely innocent.. and falls for her.

E however, IS VERY POSSESSIVE AND JEALOUS. And would hARM PEOPLE if he got too jealous.

However... M is starting to grow close with Y. I mean, why not? Y is a good guy and low key a real decent person.

But E wants M all for himself.


That's it. Fuck.

I used to love E so much, but now I swerved to Y. But whenever I look at E, I swERVE BACK TO E. BUT WHENEVER I GET REMINDED OF HOW PSYCHO E CAN GET, I SWERVE TO Y AND— hdldbdkenskdhd

I'm gone.
End me.

Aight bye lol

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