Wait youre alive

308 1 0

Oh... hi...
Lolol sorry I haven't updated in like centillions years

I just been...
Just, you don't need to know what's in my basement...
Look, that wasn't Heihachi, he doesn't even exist! Ahaha...
It's just my dog lol..

I forgot I even created this lololol

I guess you can say I kinda abandoned it after not receiving much feedback. Tbh I only did this for fun but well no matter how dumb I am, I am somehow still enrolled in a school and a school has work and--

You hear screaming?

That must be your imagination, ahaha...

Well, sorry, I guess lol.
If you want to blame me, get in line, pay five dollars and then you can slap me~

See ya my boi

Tekken Shenanigans Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt